Without being a pious wanker, but also being a pious wanker - while appealing to people's better judgement... It's not the roads... it's the standards of driving (and in some cases the terrible conditions or the roads). That's what drives the accident stats, also when you look at the number of incidents it doesn't always drop... just the fatalities drop, but how much of that is because of lower speeds and how much is because of "safer" vehicles I couldn't say. What I do sincerely believe is that 30 and 40 limits should be religiously adhered to, as those tend to be residential areas. Flaunt those and at best you're inconsiderate and a bit self-defeatingly dim. In 50, 60 and 70 zones then TBH I ride to prevailing conditions, the machine I'm on / in and my mood. Speed is bloody brilliant, love the sensation of speed so much... but not in a 30 or 40 zone. That's just obnoxious and dumb.
I still haven't done my homework there... are they made in Sweden, Netherlands or China? I know that the old V40 was an NL car. Dunno about this one. I am a 100% Swedish fanboy though, used to work for a Swedish company and love pretty much everything about the place and people.
There places in a 30 zone I don't drive fast like built up places, those side streets with cars on both sides etc, use your brain... (cant find the word and don't carry a dictionary)
Mate, its easy to say that, until you see this particular road, all those obstacles you speak of are NOT on it, its one of those rare roads they have genuinely set the speed wrong at, and its huge, tbh, 60 would be reasonable, but obviously something has happened at some point so now its got lower and lower. So, doing between 10, and 23 is a ball ache. I have no objections with folk wanting to do 23 where its appropriate, but on this road, it ain't....
Ah yes. The A16 got a bit of a whacking with that stick but yes. A18 I fully agree, my suspicion there is driving / road standards... cop-out by the council There's a bit on the A15 that is so crap that lorries kept falling off. Road was not fit for purpose, so they made it a 40 for everyone on that stretch (Waddingham > Redbourne). Seriously poor...
Whoever said pcp will be the next financial shit sandwich I agree. There’s a lot of speculation that it’ll be the car finance that goes bang. Not hard to work it out either. Used car sales are shit. Diesel sales also shit.
Made in Sweden atm but bought by Geely a work college told me last month about it, the electric/petrol car will be made there... Some parts are made in the UK, and if they don't make through our terminal for the ship, production stops on factory floor
Have an Alfa GT with a chipped diesel for day to day use Have a Alfa 3.2 busso spider for weekend use No interest whatsoever in any cars in any showrooms Only bought one bike in the last 20 years, Ducati 900ssie and that was 11 years ago (however have 7 on going projects in the garage) Suspect I am a marketing persons dream customer