Taking a wounded British serviceman/woman as a Pillion across Route 66.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ape2Duc, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. Hey folks, I am planning on taking a wounded British serviceman/woman as a pillion on a Harley across Route 66 over 8 days in order to provide a once in a lifetime experience for someone who's life has been changed forever whilst providing much needed support for service charities, the particular service person has not yet been confirmed but we have somebody in mind who was severely injured in Afghanistan recently.

    Please would any of you kind people here consider sponsoring me in order to raise funds to support the following charities?

    Royal British Legion Riders Branch

    British Limbless Ex Service Men's Association

    Combat Stress

    The Afghanistan Trust

    The Forces Childrens Trust

    SSAFA - The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA)

    The Army of Angels

    The Armed Forces Bikers

    The Lt Dougie Dalzell MC Memorial Trust

    The Mercian Regiment benevolent Fund

    Further details are available here... Sponsor a Wounded Soldier on Tour - RideRoute66

    At present I am just putting feelers out to see if I can raise enough funds, if it seems that I will be able to then I will update this thread with more details.

    If those that are willing to help would like to send a PM with an amount they would like to sponsor then that would help a great deal in indicating if I am going to be able to hit the target, any amount will assist in getting where we need to be.


    #1 Ape2Duc, Jan 17, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2013
  2. As a serving member of the Army you can count on my donation!
    Good luck with the fundraising - post donation details here when you can!

  3. I will do that, thank you very much!
  4. Same for me too.
  5. Yep me too, the Forces never appealed, but we are all the same kith and kin
  6. As someone who's spent time in green count me in :upyeah:
  7. Yep, I'm an ex-soldier as well and I think that's a great idea. Well done for making the effort to get it off the ground, you can count on my support. How much do you need to raise for this to be viable?
  8. Happy to make a donation - you want to get ideas of amounts via pm from anybody so you have orders of magnitude?
  9. I would like to contribute :)
  10. Thanks to all that have replied so far and for your intentions to assist.

    I will need to raise a total of around £3500 to cover the cost of the trip which will include a minimum sum of £1000 to the nominated charities, this seems a lot and it will certainly be a challenge but I have quite a few outlets that I can call on to help me get to the target.

    Good idea Pete!

    If those that have replied would like to send a PM with an amount they would like to sponsor then that would help a great deal, any amount will assist in getting where we need to be.

    Again I thank all who are willing to support me in my mission :upyeah:
    #10 Ape2Duc, Jan 18, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2013
  11. I trust you're paying your own expenses? Or are you looking for other people to pay for your holiday by justifying it by giving a pillion seat to a former serviceman/woman?
  12. Of course I'm paying my own expenses, I suggest you read the link I posted with the neccessary information before opening your mouth like that.

    I am also a serving soldier, a one that has morals, unlike your good self it would seem, I see this as an opportunity to assist somebody who has been injured whilst serving their country, not a chance to get a free jolly.

    If you have any further comments you would like to make then please feel free to contact me by PM.
    • Like Like x 2
  13. Ape, I`m not taking sides but if you look at Paivi`s post you might spot the ? which usually indicates a question is being asked rather than a statement is being made. Also, the post you made he replied to does clearly say that for £3500 raised the charity will get at least £1000 which implies they may not get it all so I think his question was reasonable. You have now suggested he has a lower moral standard than you do , presumably based on you not spotting the question marks and your badly worded post. Maybe you should apologise to him instead of suggesting he sends you a pm?
  14. I have as yet not got all the details so I am not sure on exact financial amounts I will need to raise, I know that I will be paying a contribution to the trip as well as paying for my own travel to the US (as stated in the link I provided) but either way the reason I am doing this is not for my own benefit which it seems is what Paivi is suggesting.

    All I have asked is if anybody would be willing to donate, in order to get an idea if it is going to be feasible.

    Geez, you try and do something good and this is the response you receive, maybe I should just not bother and then somebody who's life has been changed forever will not be able to go, as quite clearly they are unable to make the journey themselves.

  15. You are missing the point I was making. You presumed someone was having a pop at you when they were asking a question and then you had a pop at him/her, Sorry Paivi, dont know if you are a boy or a girl!
    My post wasnt critical of your trip either, just commenting on the way the posts were worded. I wonder if you should slow down a little and read the posts more carefully, your own and other people`s ? To avoid ambiguity, that is a question too and not a comment.

    For what its worth I think it is a great idea . I hope it works out for everyone involved.
  16. He is a she :upyeah:
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