Recently bought a new Multistrada 1260s. It states in the handbook that you should not sit on the bike when it is on its side stand. Is that just overreacting health and safety or is the side stand not robust enough to support the weight. I ask because due to a right knee injury I get on the bike by standing on the left peg and swinging my leg over while it is on the side stand. However I would not want it to collapse during this maneuver or I could end up with two duff knees!
The old multi side stand had a bolt that would shear. I’m guessing they haven’t changed a thing mechanically, only changed the text so it becomes the operator’s fault. On the couple of Ducatis I’ve owned, the sidestands were far weaker than any other brand I’ve had. My KTM one I can quite happily spin the bike on the stand when turning it round.
I use this method on my multi for getting on the bike. I weigh 11stone, so I guess that your weight might be an issue. So far so good after 2 years of ownership. Is there anyone on the forum that has actually has the side stand fail when using it to get on the bike?
Yes, there is a thread on this and someone actually was selling better machined bolts. Also, US had a recall for it
Being tall, I have always mounted bikes that way and for the last year found the Mutley fine.... But after a few slippy peg moments I’ve taken a new approach, angling the bars to the right, standing close and pivoting over with my right leg. Works a treat. It’s unnatural but try different ways of getting on, you might find a way of avoiding unnecessary load on the side stand.
I think you'll find that the same text resides in the owners manuals of a lot of bikes. No side stand is designed to support the full weight of the bike, rider and potentially luggage too. I've seen side stands on a variety of bikes where the bolt sheers, the fork at the top of the stand splays apart, the stand leg snaps in the middle and I've even seen it where the lug welded on the frame has snapped off completely.
Each successive new design of side stand is weaker and less convenient than the previous one. That has been true of Ducati designs for the past 50 years.
At least they’re not just spring loaded like the original Monsters etc....they were a nightmare to use. I’m sure it was designed as a revenue stream.
That clip doesn’t tell the whole story. That lady is an accomplished and very experienced motorcycle racer both tarmac and off road. It does show however that you don’t need to be 6’ and 17 stone to enjoy an adventure bike. Andy
Yes. She can come and help me onto my bike whenever she wants. Thanks for the responses, I think on balance your views confirm that it is probably best not to climb on when on the side stand. I’ve started using this advice