For Sale Zero Gravity Screen Panigale 1199/899 (reduced)

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by ducatidude1098r, Mar 20, 2018.

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  1. Hi,
    Is this an exact fit for a 959 too ??
  2. I wouldn't have thought so. The 899 is narrower than the 959.
  3. i believe the 959 and 1299 screens are different to the 899/1199
    #4 ducatidude1098r, Mar 20, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2018
  4. Reduced to £30 delivered
  5. Oh well .. no good to me .. glws
  6. Hi. Do you know if the mirrors still are able to fold in once this is fitted ? I've heard some do and some don't. Cheers.
  7. yes they do as this one is same size as standard screen :upyeah:
  8. Ah sorry.
    I should've read your first post properly 'standard size' .
    My bad......
    Thanks for the reply though.
  9. I'd like to buy this please. Can you DM me? (I haven't used that feature on this forum yet) or do you want me to DM you?
  10. Aye. New happy owner here.
  11. Thread closed then
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