Cagiva Elefant 750 1987

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by FAT MATT, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. It's been repainted since this was taken, but gives an idea.


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  2. love the colour scheme ^
  3. I think they belong to a chap called Gavin. The blue one unless I'm mistaken was Roy's at Italsport and has a 999R engine.

    The other one was a genuine Dakar bike. Gavin's blog has many tales of highly modified ele's.
  4. Hi All, some decent progress over the weekend _ zorst back on, connectors all vase'd up and belts rechecked, battery charged up, and hey presto - the engine spins very nicely, with no nasty noises, and the belts run clear of the full depth heads of the tensioner screws. these are 8mm deep, as ZorstOn.jpg opposed to 5mm on the originals. Only one black spot, no spark on the vert cyld plug, but that will be chased up tonight !

  5. rear disc looking nice on there Dave :smile:
  6. Serpentley Does - thanks for the pointer Chris ! Have you got a spare ignition coil in case one of mine has gone down ?? Cash would change hands of course !!
    Look at the state of that carpet, must do some skip surfing soon !
  7. i have Dave - I read you have vaselined all plugs and connectors? did you find any dodgy ones - either loose or showing green corrosion? assuming it's not this (and praying it's not flywheel pick-up itself or insulation breakdown or broken wire internally) then nice trick to try is to methodically swap coils and then amplifier/CDI to see if you can isolate it this way. Sometimes the coil spade connectors get loose but favorite for breaking down first is CDI before the coil does. Have a fiddle and fingers crossed
  8. She Runs !! the lack of spark turned out to be a broken wire on the lv side of the coil - soon sorted and thanks for the advice ! Rigged up the remote petrol tank, but soon had petrol peeing out of the overflow and the small drain pip on the underside of the RHS float bowl - oh bu@@er ! Never mind I thought it will be a sticking needle more than likely, but while there is fuel in the carb - let's have a pop. It coughed almost immediately, and with another couple of presses settled into a nice steady tickover for a minute or so until the bowl emptied !! She sounded very good - no nasty noises at all. I wonder if the float bowl will come of with the carbs in situ - will have a try tomorrow. Not a bad evenings work all in all !!
  9. Great news - you can remove a bowl in situ and hopefully you have stripped previously? - if not then screws can be a pain/impossible to undo if tight and someone has previously slipped on the crosshead. Horrible enough job 'on the bench' - i use a snug fitting sturdy screwdriver with a pair of moles clamped on shaft for swivelling while pushing - better still an impact driver if you can get clearance - sometimes just hammering screwdriver end can be enough to shock them loose. Hopefully it's only the needle valve tip/orifice seat that needs cleaning.
  10. Another good evening yesterday, I took the carbs off to clean the bowls, not that I found anything obvious. The bowls were secured by naf SS dome head screws, and need to be attacked head on and straight to avoid further woes. They are now replaced with proper allen heads from my collection. Anyway, I bench tested them for leaks or overflow, all sound ! Everything back on, and she started first time, needing very little choke - I let her run for 5mins to burn off all the coppaslip and oil, - first run in three years ! A couple more weekends putting it all back together should see us MOT bound !! Pics to follow, regards dp
  11. more good news - I like this thread ! sometimes needle valve in float chamber does settle down all on its own much to owners annoyance after stripping - done it many times myself.
  12. The only thing that I know requires replacment is the Final Drive Chain guide roller ( I am sure that there are many things that I do not know that I dont know too ! ?) Any pointers peeps ??
  13. Anyone in for the 900 Elefant, Newquay, on Ebay - looks OK, and someone might get a bargain !!
  14. difficult one.. - did you look at the forks close up? one has some serious delaminating going on - the Explorer 900 a couple of weeks ago was the one to have Dave - I spoke to owner it was v. original and much lower mileage.

    Re: rollers - it would be nice to have (both) in place but you won't miss them unless you do some heavy offroad/undulating riding :upyeah:
  15. Hi Chris, yes - it does look well used ! My tank is now back on, just sorting out the brake light switches, then all the plastics to refit, and take for a spin !
  16. if weather would only let us Dave.. I am in similar position with 851 - all dressed up and ready but nowhere to go.
  17. Yum - what year ?
  18. 1990 - nothing special and a bit scruffy but wanted for nothing mechanically over last 5 years.
  19. Oh Bu@@er ! we thought that we were all ready for the Elefant MOT, but she did not start as well a usual, and quite hesitant when ridden down the lane. No probs I though, it will be a sticking slide on one of the carbs, soon sort that. Clumsy beggar that I am - I have snapped of the outlet stub on the fuel pump, while trying to get the pipe off !! There a couple of second hand ones on ebay that are not the same shape, but they will do the same job, and can be made to fit somewhere I guess. Anyone got a spare they dont need ??
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