916 Nose Cone - Red

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by don quixote, Apr 12, 2018.

  1. Dropped my bike today. Only damage was the nose cone. Cracked in the right corner around the light and slightly bent out of shape by about 5mm.
    So im now looking for a replacement nose cone. Ideally OEM in red with the decal on. Any help would be massively appreciated.
  2. The last time i checked the new prices a couple of years ago it was just under £400
  3. Will it not repair ??
  4. please load up a picture for the repairers:upyeah:
  5. well guys... Im a bit happier now.. I took the fairing off and noticed the mirror arm had twisted by about 5mm! So, realigned the arm and it seems fine now. I dont think it is a crack on the corner, it seems to be more like the paint fractured under the stress?? Structurally, it seems fine.. There still seems to be a bit of a gap under the main light and fairing hough but it may have always been there. Pics to follow
  6. Don,very pleased it has worked out for you with no major damage or replacement nosecone required and just with only a small plastic repair/paint job needed:upyeah:
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  7. There's one on eBay but it's from "Kingexotic", who is a cockwomble. If you go for it (and it's pricey) then I'd advise collecting in person and paying cash. I'm still waiting for my 749 mirrors from two years back, or the return of my £140. He's a knob, but if his NOS nosecone is what you're looking for then he could be helpful.

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  8. I did see this Fire3500 . Im in staffsfordshire and he is in leicester i think, so i could collect. Ive seen him sell a lot of ducati stuff as i have my eyes out for a full termi at some point.
    But ive been quoted £150 to respray the nose, but i dont like the small gap by the bottom right of the light..
  9. Have you checked your light unit is mounted correctly? If the fairing has cracked on that corner, it must have hit the light unit. It's pushed on to two rubber mountings at the top and the adjuster screw on the bottom. Check the rubber mounts are pushed home fully... may well align the lights again in the fairing cut outs.
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  10. Thanks nelly,
    I did take the light unit out last night. The haynes manual said to messure the gap between the lights and fairing and i did fiddle about with that adjustable springed screw. But all it seemed to do was adjust the beam up or down. I couldnt seem to figure out if the light unit actually moves when tightening / untightning the springed screw?
  11. yep. The screw is for beam aim. the top of the light secures to the head light bowl on two rubber mounts. It's possible that these have shifted when the light took a knock. Just make sure they're both pushed home fully.. if one has pulled away a little, the light unit will sit at an angle to the bowl and fairing.
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  12. ok mate thanks for the info.
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