Thanks everyone. I am chuffed to bits with the result. However, she’s not yet perfect. What was a working temperature gauge last week is now finito. The sensor/sender has just died on me. I don’t think I’ll find one soon with everything closed for Christmas. Just trying to find an alternate, not Ducati stamped, part. Looks like it could be a VDO oil temperature sensor, with M12 x 1.5 thread, I guess around 120 degree range. Any experts out there know what will work?
If you don't mind a little, gratuitous, "showing-off my toys like a proper twat". But I had a camera with me on her first real run - venturing far from fuel bowsers and tool boxes - in the hills of Umbria, Italy. Fuelling isn't quite right and suspension settings are coming together slowly - confidence in the bike and local roads increases, so does the speed. But it's all a progression. Meanwhile I think she looks a pretty for an old girl.
Short answer "no". Longer answer. I bought a used rear hub assembly off ebay as it was in much better condition than mine, and included a rear rotor which I needed. I then had every bolt and bit re-plated.
Ha, I don't think it was meant to be a quiet clutch mod. I've now put about 300-400 miles on the bike the clutch has bedded in and makes a little more noise, or music if you prefer, but not obnoxious at all.