1000 Help Please!!!

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by StillMadForIt, Apr 16, 2018.

  1. Hi my 1100 Muttley has developed an interesting and annoying fault. The front left indicator has stopped working and it’s mate at the rear is flashing way too fast. I’ve cleaned the lamp connector and changed the bulb but still no working. Any ideas?
  2. Broken wire??
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  3. Wires trapped/broken? Be worth having the lot out and checking nothing is snagged
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  4. Thanks lads, I’ll have a look tomorrow, is there an idiot proof way to check?
  5. Just keep taking bits off so you can trace the wires .
  6. Cheers mate. Sounds like the Ducati curse may have struck just as the weather is perking up!!! Typical
  7. I'd take the other front one off and connect it (or rear is easier) and see what happens
  8. If you have a digital volt meter, you should be able to check for continuity on the earth lead and volts on the live feed. If you are lucky only one of the 2 wires will have a dodgy connection/break. Andy
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  9. As others have said, sounds like a connection issue. Make sure you're getting voltage at the bulb contacts. Put a voltmeter (or DMM) into DC voltage mode and touch one probe to each contact in your bulb housing. Your DMM may be a bit slow to respond as the voltage switches on and off, but as long as you're seeing something, you're good. You can verify with the working side to be sure.

    If you don't have voltage at the bulb, then verify the wiring as others have said. If you do have voltage, then make sure the contacts are actually touching the bulb when it's inserted into the holder. On my 2015, I had a problem with the rear bulb holder where one contact wasn't fully touching the bulb. A quick bend and it was back to normal.
  10. Great advice thanks Guys. I’ve checked as far as I can and I am pretty sure it is a bad earth. I’m taking it in to a repair shop as it’s beyond my meagre mechanic skills!!! You’re all top guys
  11. If the other indicator is flashing twice as fast, it suggests that the relay is seeing half the load.

    I'm a mile off electrically proficient, but if it was a faulty earth would that not take out both indicators, being that they are both on the same circuit (an assumption on my part....)?

    Are you happy with the relay? If you bypass it, both indicators should light up solid (I think) if that is the case, I would say it's the relay. If not, it's likely to be a wiring issue. A spray of contact cleaner on all the joints may well help.
    #11 gc6269, Apr 18, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2018
  12. That’s a great point. I’ve dropped it into Factory 27 motorcycles in Warrington and they will bottom it hopefully. They have been recommended to me but I’ll let you all know how it goes. In the meantime I’ve been making eyes at a new 950 Muttley. Any experience of them?
  13. Each indicator will have it own supply an return, the return is the earth. If one circuit is broken (normally by a bulb blowing) then that will make the other bulb flash twice as fast as normal as one load had been removed [by the break]

    Chase the circuit round with a volt meter is the easy option to see where the drop occurs; or check for resistance (there will be loads in the duff circuit)
  14. I’m pretty sure the return is shared between front and rear, but you appear to have better knowledge than me so I’ll doff my metaphorical hat in your direction!

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