1260 1260 Vs '15 Dvt - Back-to-back

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Rainman, Feb 5, 2018.

  1. have only done 80 milrs on it but agree with most things you have said, the heated grips are wow much better, torque is great from much lower down, shifter and blipper is a lot smoother than i ever thought possible and now im wandering how i ever managed without one on my last pikey, the marchasini wheels are just beautiful and finish the job off just right, as does the full termi. i have also the same issue with finding neutral when i pull up. think it might be something to do with the shifter maybe, dunno
  2. Finding Neutral gets much easier with a few more miles on the clock, 300 or so on mine and neutral is much much better
  3. Now on my 4th Generation Multi and some 1400 miles in on a new 1260ST. In the past I had the original 2010 model with Ohlin's, then the twin spark 2013 followed by a 2015 DVT, all were the S versions and all did in excess of 25K miles.

    Positives so far -

    - The 1260 engine is excellent, perfect fuelling and lots of torque at all revs above 3K makes the bike deceptively quick. Much better than the DVT IMO.
    - QS is good (a first for me), needs to be on the gas going up the box and is OK going down the box. Bit clunky in the lower gears when changing up and down. I still use the clutch for 1st to 2nd quite a bit. Neutral is easy to find now - took a while to bed in.
    - Brakes feel really good, better than the DVT but the 1260 is still new.
    - I like the new dash and menu system, easier to use than the DVT.
    - Self cancelling indicators are very clever but I do still check!
    - Heated Grips do deliver real heat another improvement on the DVT
    - The rear shock drain hole actually does drain the water out - at last!
    - I have the touring screen and that seems to be better on the 1260 than on the DVT for me.

    Negatives so far -

    - The standard seat is slippery and makes me slide forward, luckily the comfort seat from the DVT fits and is just fine - Could do better Ducati!
    - The OE Chain rusts when it smells water! Ducati should fit a quality Gold DID Chain as standard.
    - I am finding the clutch quite stiff, could be me or maybe to do with the QS? May look at a larger diameter Slave, I fitted the bigger Oberon slave on previous Multi's.
    - Suspension! I have found the default suspension settings too soft for me especially in touring mode, still playing with the numerous settings to get it right, F & R preload etc.etc. I had Michelin Road 5s put on from new and the 1260 doesn't turn as quick as the other versions. Yes it is very stable at all speeds and holds the line perfectly, no twitching at all. I know the Rake and Swing Arm changes will affect the turn in and the small incremental changes made so far are making it feel better - this is all down to personal preference but I do miss the quick turn in of the previous generations. I am sure I will get it how I want it, just takes some time and miles to get it dialled in to how I want it.

    Overall very happy with the 1260, it will be great on long trips and I feel that with the 1260 Ducati have made it more touring than sport orientated. I am OK with that as I do lots of miles and with the 1260 motor it can still deliver all the "sport" you need.

    Needless to say the above is all my opinion, others may differ!
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  4. Agree with your findings, had a ride out today, first time 2 up and I stopped to check rear tyre, all was fine but stock suspension setting is too soft and ride height is lower than dvt, I’m 500 miles in now and loving the differences, a few tweaks here and there with the settings and it’ll be perfect:)
  5. I can't make a comparison as my 1260 is my first Ducati, and I haven't even got it yet, I'm picking it up Saturday! What I can say however is that one hour on the demo bike was all I needed to get out the wallet!! I have been re living that hour in my head for the last two weeks and I am itching to get on the bike. As a Ducati virgin and someone who has lusted after a Multistrada for some time I can confirm it did not disappoint. I tried the MT10 and love the crossplane motor but I do a fair bit of touring so the Multi was always going to win on that front. One comparison I can make is with fuelling. The injected bikes I have owned (and test ridden) have all had fuelling issues of some sort or another, but I found the 1260 was faultless in that respect. I come from a Yam 1200 Super Tenere which was faultless over 30,000 miles in three years and felt like it would never let me down, but it lacked the grin factor, no such problem with the 1260:astonished:
    I don't know if it's just the romantic in me but owning a Ducati feels a bit like joining an exclusive club. There is somehow a different feeling in owning one...........even if I haven't actually got it yet!!!!
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  6. And welcome to the “buying tat/landfill club” :joy:
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  7. By the end of today my 1260 will be completely run-in. It's taken me a little while as until last weekend the weather has not been conducive to riding any more than is required by my daily commute, and the mileage I'm covering for my commute has dropped significantly to only 30 miles per day at present, from 50 miles per day in the last year and 100 miles per day in the previous year.

    Stay tuned for a separate update tomorrow - there's been a few developments since first starting this thread.
  9. I am interested to know what happened about the neutral issue. I have a 2016 DVT which did not have any problem finding neutral. This week I test rode a 1260s and my views reflect yours. However it was impossible to select neutral. I have a weak left hand and holding a clutch in for more than 30 seconds is painful. I was told that this problem corrects itself (newness wearing off and crap like that) and only some bikes have the problem. The test bike was 3 months old and had over 600 miles on the clock. I have placed a deposit on the new bike with a written proviso that I will reject any new bike that will not select neutral with the motor running. As far as I am concerned it is a safety issue besides the extreme discomfort. I cannot keep cutting the motor at traffic lights to find neutral. I would be very interested to hear from anyone about this problem
  10. Mine was a little awkward at 1st, now just done 600 miles, booked in for its 1st service next week, and its already much easier to get neutral now
    Im sure it will be fine after the service
  11. If you would like to drop it off down here Barryelm, I'll gladly run it in for you as long as you pay for the fuel as well :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. I've done 1800miles on my 1260ST and it pops into neutral easily. It was a bit tricky up until the 1st service as others have said. Brilliant bike: fast, comfy, corners on rails in true Ducati fashion and looks great IMO.
  13. My 17 DVT was awful at first, there were times it wouldn’t select neutral whilst running even! But after the 1st service it was fine and has remained sweet. I was quite worried at first but if I bought a new one with the same characteristic I wouldn’t worry now.
  14. One key can be to find neutral while the bike is still rolling. If you wait until you stop it can be hard to find. I usually will click into N the final few feet while rolling to a stop.
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  15. I need the popcorn eating emoji. Color me curious.
  16. I had my 1st ride at the weekend using Giles gear and brake pedals.

    The gear lever is set to the fast position and if definitely improves both shift and neutral selection.

    It’s not perfect, but much better.
  17. Strangely my 17 PP was brilliant for neutral (and throughout the gears) from the off but now after 4,000 miles it's suddenly got difficult to find and it doesn't go from 2nd to First as smoothly either. Also had my first two false neutrals the other day. Any (constructive) ideas what that all might be down to would be appreciated. Oh the joy of owning a ducati ;- ) my original 2010 multi needed 208 parts renewed in the gearbox within 6 weeks from new. Wouldn't go above 3rd gear. After we got over the factory being in their summmet holidays for a month(!) the dealer rebuilt it and it was perfect after that. I'm hoping this is just a dry/dirty linkage that needs cleaning when I get a chance. Is that possible?
    #157 SteveE, Apr 19, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
  18. Try changing the oil believe it or not. I use motility 20w50 fully synthetic
  19. Hi did you have or know about a quickshifter / Autoblipper for the 1200 dvt model?
  20. This has been a really useful and timely review. Makes my recent post on model choice seem redundant now

    I’ve ridden an xdiavel s for the last 2.5 years with this engine and can confirm that it is an absolute belter. Looks like I’d better take a 1260S for a test ride...
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