848 Misfire/chugging At Low Revs...??

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Mark996, Apr 19, 2018.

  1. Morning folks,

    Took the 848 out for its first proper run following the winter lay up tied to a trickle charger..

    I noticed that it was harder to get started than normal, with an ENORMOUS backfire added into the mix before finally getting it fired up....

    While warming up, I then noticed that it’s sounded really rough at idle, almost like it’s trying to cut out or misfiring...

    On the road, through the gears, cruising and at full chat, it’s perfectly smooth and lovely, but come to a junction or traffic lights and again, rough as hell and just wants to cut out - low speed roundabouts are challenging too as it’s struggling with the low revs there too...

    Before the winter lay up everything was absolutely fine..??

    I was thinking that the likely culprit could be plugs or battery, but what’s everyone’s thoughts?? What would you try first, before I ship it off to Neil at Cornerspeed to sort??


  2. I had a similar experience with an ST4s a few years back. After an enormous backfire through the airbox. It started on one cylinder only but would chime in on the other cylinder at higher revs. It turned out that the backfire had blown the throttle bodies partly off one of the intake stubs so that it was drawing air. Fortunately it was easily fixed. Could be worth a look.
  3. Possibly damp got into one of the coil sticks (as they sit in the cylinder head), which could cause rough running at low loads.

    Also, I assume after a long lay up it's had fresh fuel put in it?
  4. Yes I thought straight off that the fuel may have turned bad over the winter and went and stuck some V Power in it, so it’s not that...

    Also, it was running poorly prior to the backfire on start up, so happy it’s not the throttle body issue too...
  5. Commiserations, it could be so many things of course. It wouldn’t do any harm to have a look at the plug colour after it’s been idling a while to confirm if it’s running rich or weak. A new set would be worth trying just because it’s a simple thing to do. I think I would tend to look at ignition related connectors - ECU etc for starters, Front coil? I wonder if lambda sensor is playing up (if it’s still in your system).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. If it's firing on one cylinder at low revs, try disconnecting the front plug or coil.
    If the engine keeps going it's that cylinder that's at fault. If it stops, it's the other one.
    Also, if fault finding points to the ECU, before getting a new one, just try using contact cleaner and lots of wiggling on the connectors. Worked a treat on the wife's Panda, couldn't believe it...
  7. Ps is the engine light on and can you read fault codes from an 848 as you can from my 999?
  8. Maybe fouled a plug trying to start it so many times as the battery probably past its best. Happened to me last year on my 1098 including the huge backfire in my steel shed that deafened me.
  9. Yeah, the more I think about I’m going to try a new battery and plugs first as that’s likely to be the cheapest go at solving it, and I don’t know if the battery has ever been replaced anyway since the bike was new....if that doesn’t solve it however, then perhaps after that it’ll be a rectifier/regulator...I’m aware that there was a recall to sort those in the early days (2008), but again, I don’t know if mine was ever done...
  10. Wasn’t the recall just for the alloy plate the r&r fixes to?
  11. I read on another forum, and (sadly) watched a video of an R&R being replaced on YouTube, both commenting on the recall that was done apparently....that said, despite the recall, the position of the R&R being so close to the exhaust down pipes still makes them fail - that bloke was replacing his second one due to the R&R overheating...
  12. I read on another forum, and (sadly) watched a video of an R&R being replaced on YouTube, both commenting on the recall that was done apparently....that said, despite the recall, the position of the R&R being so close to the exhaust down pipes still makes them fail - that bloke was replacing his second one due to the R&R overheating...
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