1200 Enduro Enduro And Blurred Vison

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by IanC, May 1, 2018.

  1. I am a new member and have had my Enduro for about 8 weeks and 1000 miles. I love the bike BUT..the buffeting at motorway speed blurs my vision. I have tried the Palmer Products screen and carrier and the Puig touring screen. Both help reduce the wind blast but do nothing to affect the buffeting and blurred vision.

    I have been told that a lower screen is better, so I removed the screen and the buffeting goes away and there is no blurred vision up to and way beyond motorway speeds but my neck can’t deal with the wind blast. I am not sure what to do next. I have ordered a MRA Vario touring screen to try next. If this doesn’t work I will try the Puig double bubble screen but after that I will have to sell the bike as I do want to do some distance on it and this will involve motorways at some point. I am 6ft 2inches tall.

    I also own a GS and have ridden the Triumph 1200 XCA and Hondas Africa Twin at speed with no vision issues.

    Any ideas?
  2. What helmet you using? An "enduro" one with a visor? They try rip your neck off above 50mph...
  3. Use a short screen & allow the air flow into your chest zone. And prehap's invest in an airhawk 2 cushion seat, I use medium cruiser. Which I've found to be the best way of reducing riding vibrations. Also think about stiffening up the front fork manual nut (right-hand side)! This allows the rear active suspension to know more of how the bike is behaving.
  4. I have three helmets. Two are Enduro style and as you say the wind effect is worse on these but interestingly the buffeting is similar on all three helmets The blurred vision comes in at about 72MPH and starts to get better at 95MPH. I understand that there is an obvious fix on motorways but I would like to keep my licence for a while longer. Does everyone have the same problem or is it just me?
  5. Thanks Daglanman.
    I will check out the Calasci screen, thank you. How tall are you?
  7. Thank you. Are you riding an Enduro?
  8. I found the stock screen on highest setting to cause a bit of drag on my peaked helmet at motorway speeds. I purchased he ducati touring screen as it has a slightly different shape which sends the air above the peak. It’s something you have to work at to find what works for you. Hopefully the vario screen will sort this for you. There is also a clip on extension which may help, you can get cheap ones on eBay but I have no experience of these.
  9. Any sort of peak will cause vibs....tried many things with my Schuberth E1 in the end the peak had to go.

    Second the Enduro has different ergonomics than the regular Multi so be aware of that.

    For me on my Enduro what ended up working the best was the Palmer screen bracket in the forward position, with the Touratech screen ALL the way up in the factory slider.

    This gives me a nice still pocket of air (i'm 5'11") all the way to max, the two exceptions are if i'm going into a strong head wind or cruising behind another vehicle (the latter can be cured easily :) )

    This causes an unstable airflow which will whip around the screen, that said the resultant vibs are minimal with minor buffeting.

    If you do go the TT screen route get the clear, the smoke is hard to see through, also in the high position unless you are 5'10"+ the road directly in front of you my be an issue to see.
    #10 mwhite5471, May 1, 2018
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
  10. Yep, the angle of the screen is bollocks basically. It aims the turbulence under the lip of the screen. I've got all of the screens from small to large touring one's. I choose to strengthen my neck muscles & run with a small screen. Have you also considered if you have an eye-sight disorder or build up of fluids behind the eye socket??
  11. I've never really understood why someone would use a peaked helmet on the road, might be me though.

    I'm 6'4" (ish) and I find the smaller (PP carbon screen) better for wind noise. The bigger screen tends to blast the air towards my lids, whereas the smaller 'seems' to go to my chest.

    Harder to hang on, but quieter. If I was on a long trip over a number of days, I'd go for the bigger screen. But weekend hoons? Always the smaller.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Thanks for the feedback. I don’t get the blurring on any other bike so I don’t think that I have a specific issue. I tried the MRA Varion screen yesterday and had no blured vision at all. Unfortunately the noise was incredible despite new ear plugs and a non peaked helmet. I am thinking that a small screen is the only way to go. Which one do you use?
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. Thank you. I am with peak no more. What screen do you use big and small?
  14. 90% small carbon. We are planning a long trip late summer and I’ll fit the bigger one for that.
  15. Worth pointing out that I also noticed a big difference when I changed helmet from an Arai RX7 to a Shoei X Spirit 3.

    Undoubtedly the best bit of kit I have ever bought.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Thanks again. I will look to get a carbon screen to try. What big screen will you use?
    Sorry to keep asking questions but your height makes the wind dynamics on the bike similar to mine.
  17. I'm now running the Ducati carbon screen again as the standard screen creates so much noise, I can't hear the Comms. It isn't brilliant noise wise (depends on helmet selection) but better than the tall screen. I don't get buffeting/blurred vision with it though.
  18. I went with the small & tall (non winglet) Puig screens and the darkest tint but not black. Through conquest-carbon trader on this site who offers discount codes. Get subscribed for a fiver & ask for a code off of steve.
  19. No dramas, I use the standard Ducati screen that came with the Pikes Peak. I’ve ridden naked (or semi naked) f0r a good few years now so I’m acclimatised to a bit of wind noise.
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