So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. grass cutting for three hours plus,,, DSCN4552[1].JPG sitting in the sun doing f@@k all and a bike ride:)flowers for the girls
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  2. Grandsons 4th birthday party with loads of other 4 year olds. It's great when you can give them back isn't it? :D
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  3. It`s been grim today.
    Sweated my bollocks off at work. Then drove past a pub on the way home, and I see every man and his bloody dog sat in the beer garden, in the sunshine, necking beers. Bar-stards.
    I need a career change.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. We’ve been to our granddaughters 6th birthday party picnic in Roundhay Park in Leeds. It’s been brilliant :)
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  5. Been out on the new steed, 70 odd miles as we only had the morning really, spent the afternoon gardening (well, shredding and clearing our ridiculous over grown dump of a garden).

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  6. Before that I did 50 miles on the Scrambler. Just another 200 to get to first service levels. That should happen tomorrow :)
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  7. Today at the same grandsons party, I got in trouble when the 6 year old grandaughter was caught having a route around up her nostril with her mum catching her do it.

    Quickly trying to sound very shocked I said to her in front of her mum, "what have I told you about picking your nose?" She replied, "never pick your nose and eat it when people are looking." Needless to say that wasn't the answer I was looking for with her mum present. Kids honesty can get you in so much trouble.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  8. We had grandchildren up today, brilliant day. Love it.

    Believe me, there is something special that will melt you deep when your grandson takes your hand and wants a little walk. To hold your granddaughter and think she will have everything.
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  9. Worked til one, then home for more work lol, painted shed, painted gate, fitted shelving in shed, sprayed weedkiller, reorganized shed, so that is my duties done, now two days on the bike, Yippee
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  10. On the grand kids theme, we have had all 4 of our gkids over for a sleep over last night and in a couple of hours we are off down to the river with our fishing nets. Remind me what time the parents are coming to pick them up.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Had a busy day yesterday in the garden and washing the bikes so that today we can have a pseudo engagement party. Some family over for drinks and bbq - when we get it, English summer in the garden is a thing of beauty :cool::sun::beer::party:

    I am sure everyone will want to see the V4, and I will want to ride it!
  12. I get really embarrassed when female guests visit my house and my dog sniffs their crotch.
    Ok, he's a Jack Russell and I have to lift him up, but it's still embarrassing!!..
    • Funny Funny x 6
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    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  13. My friend came round last night to show me the new tattoo he’d had done and I have to say the fine detail is amazing, very life-like.

    I asked him where he’d had it done and he said he’d had it done in Barcelona.

    "Really?" I said...

    "Oh yes", he replied, "nobody expects the Spanish ink precision".
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  14. On a serious note yesterday I fell playing rounders with the kids at my granddaughters birthday party and I must have pulled a muscle in my back. I can hardly move this morning. I’m not in the best of moods.
    • Love You Love You x 1
  15. Take it easy ET.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  16. Why did Cinderella get thrown out of the rounders team?
    Because she kept running away from the ball.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  17. Jeez it's hot here in West Yorkshire.

    I've stripped naked and opened all the windows, to try and cool down.

    The taxi driver is kicking off now.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  18. 39E1DE31-499A-4BB5-B412-29BFB02E8A58.jpeg Me and Elsie went fly swatting
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  19. Mate that is a beautiful bike
  20. Feck all.
    Could get used to this!
    • Agree Agree x 1
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