hi all,just a quick one.i have bought a 996 lump with a 'cracked' crank case.can i use a casing from a 748 and just swap the internals?...ta,speno
I think the holes that the barrels fit into are larger on the 996. Someone will correct me off I am wrong. Steve
Speno you appear to be talking in the singular, rather than a pair of crankcases. I'm not familiar with that model so can't comment but you certainly can't use one half of a crankcase on to another half. Well you could but there maybe some misalignment.
CALLING ALL MODS,can you remove this thread,so i can start again,(just so i can be a bit more clear?).my fault.ta.
well if that is the case,then fuck.i bought at lump of shit'insert a laugh and point' at your will.lol
i could,but it wont be a good weld,not that i cant weld it,but ally is so shit to weld,it takes in all the oil so you cant get a perfect weld.so thats why i wanna replace the part mate.
996 cases and 748 cases have the same stud spacing, thats why you can make an 853. I have a couple of sets of 748 cases available in Chester
Manga had a 996 with engine trouble and finished up selling the bike bit by bit, must be worth contacting him. Steve
Hi Birdie, yes I did break the bike, a guy came all the way from Carmarthen to buy the cases, and so I aint got one no more, sorry.