Nope, That's not a typo, simply an idea. This post is going to need some background. After years of saving money to buy a house (as all millennial's are told we should), I got fed up, and instead "invested" my money in the bike that was a poster on my bedroom wall as a young kid. A genuine, Yellow 749S Mono. I've bonded with it greatly over the last few months. And was all set to take off for a morning ride today when something about the exhaust looked awry. Further investigation found this: Not the start to the day i'd been hoping. I had done my research prior to purchase, and felt I'd checked the subframe thoroughly, but sadly, mine sheared in a big way. So, what to do? Ducati kindly informed me that the part was still available to buy at £550+VAT. Damn, i'd have to dip into my house savings that I bought the bike with.....oh B&*$£@KS. What does Ebay have? Nothing significantly cheaper. Hmmmm those Biposto subframes look similar, and I might just be able to afford it, but i'll loose the adjustablity, and it won't hold the mono plastics on the back of the seat. So then I decided that I needed to build a "Bono", a Biposto subframe, modified to fit the function of a Mono. So, removing all the components from the subframe I’m left with the following: With large fatigue cracks that through the tubes themselves. So, after looking at pictures of Biposto subframes, I think I can make some jigs that will bolt to the Biposto that will allow me to modify the Biposto and create a steel Mono. OK, if you’ve read this far, you’ll note the rambling. The rest of this is going to be a bit tongue in cheek, but it’s helping to cheer me up. Recipe: Take one laser scanner, and scan the components to create a digital, 3D model. Using that data, extrapolate hole axis’ and planar faces in relation to one another, and design some parts using a CAD program that will allow jigging, fixing and marking of a Biposto subframe to give it the use of a Mono. Using a 3D printer. Print your jigs. What we’re making is a drill jig to give the 3 seat locations points. When those holes are drilled, we’ll use that feature to locate the slotted tabs that bolt the seat unit from the underneath (old tabs will have to be remove and new ones welded on). Finally A jig at the rear that will locate a strip of steel that will go on to holding the mono plastics (this jig is revision A to ensure the angles work, I build design and build outriggers to hold it torsionally when I get physical measurements of the Biposto subframe). There have been a lot of assumptions made on the similarity of the two subframes. This may not work first time, but I’ll post my success and failures along the way. I intend to remove the extra length of the subframe for aesthetics as well as trim the pillion peg pick-ups and lock locators, but I’ll assembly everything back up for then to see if anything fouls, And report if it’s possible to keep the Biposto fittings (I don’t see why you couldn’t, but I’ll confirm). Obviously, I’m very fortunate to have access to such phenomenal equipment to create this, and when I’m finished, I’ll create CAD models of the jigs as well as dimensioned technical drawings and make them free to everyone. In the mean time, I’m lucky to be able to do things like this for a living, so if anyone is interested to learn more about industry grade laser scanning and 3D printing, post below or DM me and I’ll answer any questions I can. Thanks for reading. Jacques
Bien fait mon pote, bon boulot! Je pense celui-ci était tellement compliqué que moi-même, j'avais chaud en le voyant. J'espère que ça marche pour vous!
Sev, I work near Silverstone Circuit in Northampton. I run a department of industrial grade additive manufacturing machines (read; 3D printers). We do get to do a lot of cool projects, but we're branching out into "Historic Engineering" where we take take an existing component that typically you can no longer buy, and create a new one from scratch. I've attached some case studies below for those who are interested:
Love all those old race sub frame why didnt you just stick some new tube up the centre of the old stuff and weld the stress fractures?
I have a mono subframe replaced foc from Ducati years after the warranty had finished and the bike did not have full dealer history.
I had a mono subframe replaced foc from Ducati years after the warranty had finished and the bike did not have full dealer history.
It's a fair question, and there are two reasons that are stopping me, the first is that the fracture is in the middle of the mandrel bend, which gives a little bit of a head ache trying to slot a tube down the centre. Secondly I could spend hours trying to jig it by eye with everything in place, closer inspection the fracture has obviously been "flapping" for a while, and there's no clean break, and I just don't fancy tacking and checking over and over.
Outstanding! Do you use Handyscan 300 or 700 for this job? Also, if you don't mind, can you tell me which CAD and solid printers you use? Thanks Nikos
Yep - me in the IT department at an engineering design consultancy and i still have no idea what most of them do (after 16 years) of working here...all i do is fix catia, NX, solidworks/keep it all running etc etc - absolutely no idea how to use them...! Impressive stuff when its turned into real world solutions to problems that face the average joe...
Hi Nikos, We've got the Handiscan 700, we tie that in with Solidworks or Catia (typically Catia for surfacing) and then I run 3 Fortus 450 FDM thermoplastic printers on the same site, and on our other site we run DMLS and EBM machines.
Don't. The tools compliment me. I was right place right time to get to do what I do. It all still amazes me, so I wanted to share it.
Latest Update. Replacement Biposto unit has arrived. For those interested, here are the weights to the nearest 500g (corner weights are all I have to hand to measure). My first assumption has proved correct, and the drill jig for the 3 hole positions lines up with the forward most hole. I was also right in my guess that the rear of the subframe tapers in more than the Mono, I'll take some simple hand measurements to design outriggers to centralise the rear pickup for the mono cowling. Next stage is fit the subframe as is to see if there are any clashes (I appreciate there shouldn't be, but i'll confirm). After that I will design the flat patterns for the slide tabs and cowling pick up. I have a wild (stupid) idea that I can 3D print some press tools to put in a 90 degree fold on the sheet metal for extra strength. I've successfully done this with 2mm ally on another project, but not steel. Again, whether it works or fails i'll publish the results. Have a good day everyone.