I'm easily pleased

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RichD, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Remember back to those long summer days (pre 2012) when you felt short-changed by anything less than a 3 hour ride and grip just wasn't an issue ? Perhaps you just wore a T shirt and undies under your leathers and a tinted-visor was a must-have not a rebellious statement.

    Oh how times have changed with a wash-out summer and flooded autumn, followed by a few weeks of snow and ice. An overnight rain band washed away any remnants of ice and most of the salt from the roads around Bristol so I took the opportunity to have an impromptu ride this afternoon.

    I spent longer "layering-up" my thermal and windproofs than I seemed to spend in the saddle and Christmas excess means my leathers are more snug than I remember. Slimy road surface meant I rarely ventured more than a few degrees from vertical and the whole thing was called to a halt after less than 50 miles when the light faded and my hands froze.

    Yet I'm, sitting here with a warm post-ride glow because at least I got out. It may have been a poor facsimile of a proper summer ride but like I said at the start, I'm easily pleased.

    Anyone else get out today or are you all still snowed-in ?

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  2. Not snowed in but still lots of snow around. And it's -4C.
  3. plus you forgot to mention the two hours to clean the crap of bike!:upyeah:
  4. This was my ride to work this morning. Those hot sunny weekends do seem a long way off don't they? IMG_0439.jpg

  5. Well no snow here now so the monster got a run out and I also managed to get out on the dirt bike aswell :)
  6. l used to have a blue one of those
  7. Did you find a cure?
  8. Very icy down my back passage so not yet :(
  9. phnarr phnarr :tongue:
  10. Out on my blade most days, even got knee down on new years eve! Well and truly fed up with the weather and road salt, roll on summer.
  11. Got down to Southend on 907 today,roads were dryish and it was sunny 7deg ish. Bit chilly on way home, but great to do a few miles.
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