Responsible Riding

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Richard 1200, May 19, 2018.

  1. I was under the impression that if you divide your lane into thirds that as a motorcyclist you should be riding in the third closest to the middle of the road, sadly they forgot to past this information onto drainage engineers the fekkas
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  2. I've bought a yi lite action camera and helmet mount which I use whilst riding. It's always on when I'm riding and the battery and microSD card and last for about 3 hours. I'm using it because I'm worried about someone crashing into me and it being their fault and not being able to prove it. I have watched bits of my riding back after each ride in the last couple of weeks and I've learned a bit about mistakes I'm making with regards to positioning myself on the road etc. Only cost about £100 in total for the camera, case, helmet mount. Not amazing quality, but good enough to argue a case if it came to it.
  3. There are degrees of twattery, it it makes one person stop and think for a moment and become slightly less of a twat, then it is worth it.
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  4. Absolutely, one of many little gems that will help swing the odds in your favour.
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  5. I'm still sorry johnv, say for example, if you are even thinking of overtaking a vehicle on a blind right hand bend (please insert any scenario you consider stupid), your still being a twat, just because you don't doesn't stop you being a twat, and I doubt reading or hearing someone say be careful out there it'll will make a jot of difference.
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  6. Is it possible to change people’s thoughts and deeds through education ?
  7. See what I mean? Look what happened to hers:
  8. I think the age old adage of " assume everyone is out to kill you still works..."
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  9. Last week I watch someone pulling out of a T junction right in front of a Range Rover towing a big horse box coming down a steep hill. My thoughts were if they couldn't see that what chance do us bikers have.

    Track day tomorrow, no T junctions at silverstone :upyeah:
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  10. Still doesn't stop the bastards sneaking up behind you, especially if their determined :worried:

    But it is the adage I still ride by, but sometimes concentration lapses.
  11. Well....we'd never leave the house otherwise....! One thing I tend to do is get eye contact on roundabouts....if not assume they're going to hit you...
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  12. i have never been hit by a roundbout
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  13. I suppose if you've come off on a roundabout...technically you have .....:)
  14. recognise any of the drivers who hit you...?

    • Funny Funny x 3
  15. Only if they want to learn John, I'm afraid.

    You can't put an old head on a young pair of shoulders.
  16. What’s the point in riding a performance bike if you can’t get up at shit AM on a Sunday morning and absolutely rip around B roads?

    Most of the time I find the wobbly armband processions more hazardous than the wannabe racers.
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  17. Track days
  18. The track is great but personally I get more from road riding, especially on the continent. Obviously you’re not pushing on as if you were on track.
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  19. i did a monkey bike run around Yorkshire over the weekend with about 6 others. We were on the 60mph road to Hawes and had to overtake a gaggle of larger bikes ,as they would not pass a car / caravan set up doing 40mph .
    The so called "bikers" were blocking most of the road and shaking their heads as we passed perfectly safely.. We could have passed even safer if they were not fannying about .
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  20. I gotta say thats one thing that really gets me....the slow head shaking, moreso when you know whatever you did was aboveboard/safe/of no consequence to anyone else...
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