
Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Andy1, May 21, 2018.

  1. just found this forum today . Had a Ducati 748 sps for a few years now . My r1 under a dust sheet since I got it !! Ducati has had plenty of little issues but it’s part of owning !! Jap bikes just don’t compare !!
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  2. Welcome David
  3. Welcome dude
  4. Welcome, where've you been :eek:
  5. Welcome to the forum. :)
  6. Welcome and enjoy
  7. Welcome along :cool:
  8. Welcome, don't forget to include some bins when you post the mandatory photo's up :upyeah:
  9. Welcome into the mad house

    Pics of bins and bikes are a forum law we like them :blush::motorcycleduc:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Come on Andy................. pictures pretty please:)
  11. 64F54F37-2BDF-4BCE-8CB3-17CADCE5A616.jpeg
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  12. Bbbbbbbbut its yyyyyellow!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Yes, the correct colour for an SPS :):upyeah: everyone knows that you little joker you :p
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  14. B82440D5-AE8D-471B-B4E3-93F4793611F1.jpeg
  15. What's that ?
  16. Oh you press that when something is shit do u ??!!!
  17. Didn't even realise I pressed it !!
  18. Usually - but I have received over 300 in an hour once from my lil buddy Chizel - so some are lurve Nukes. If you want to upset some its like the end of the world if they get one so tread carefully - but Nuke at will anyhoo !!! :bomb::D:upyeah:especially those victims of fashion and 80's marketing gullible 'red only' dudes :eyes:
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
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