For Sale Multistrada Screen Spacers

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by NRG_Mutley, Feb 14, 2018.

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  1. Anyone interested in these spacers that came off my 2010 model Multistrada ?? They were designed / made by someone on here a few years ago, and used to move the original screen to a more upright angle, which helped drastically reduce the wind turbulence - particularly at lower speeds.

    They worked a treat - at least for me. If someone wants to make me an offer (reasonable of course !!) for them, I'll happily post them to you. Nick


  2. Hi, have you sold them finally?
  3. I would be interested if you still have them. I am not sure what a "reasonable" quote is! £20? Let me know. Patrick.
  4. Have just pm’d you PGB....
  5. Sorry for delayed response Dannyboy. I thought you were asking whether they had been sold so the thread could be closed.... but yes they have finally been sold now.

    Administrator. Thread can be closed now. Thank you.
  6. Thread closed
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