As title, are the evotech the best rad guards? im putting new radiators on, the old ones are holed. Im going to cut the bottom one in half, because I think its multiple holed from the inside!!!! Motocorse titanium ones look great, but are £418!!!! I read R&G were 'average' but cant find that..... Thanks for any comments.
Thanks for all your comments, So as I liked the expanded mesh of the R&G ones, I bought a set. The bottom one is a lousy fit, way too loose, and so lop sided there is a 15mm gap down one side. I have bought some Evotech ones, the airflow will be reduced in comparison to the R&G, but hopefully not noticeable. Ironically, the R&G ones look suspiciously like the chinese ones on ebay, which are £24.99 delivered. Maybe.... Pics for amusement.....