1199 What Are The Preferred Rad Guards On Panigale? Yes I Know Its Too Late....

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Flatfish, Jun 2, 2018.

  1. As title, are the evotech the best rad guards? im putting new radiators on, the old ones are holed.
    Im going to cut the bottom one in half, because I think its multiple holed from the inside!!!!

    Motocorse titanium ones look great, but are £418!!!!

    I read R&G were 'average' but cant find that.....

    Thanks for any comments.
  2. I've had the evotech on from new no issues with heat and they look good blacking out the radiator.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Evotech from new here as well.
    No issues so far.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. Evotech all the way I’ve had no issues with the ones I fitted.
  5. I have R&G, no issues whatsoever.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. I accidentally bought some CnC racing ones and they seemed alright.
  7. Evotech. Nice easy fit too.
  8. I’ve evotech on my bike, no complaints
  9. Thanks for all your comments,
    So as I liked the expanded mesh of the R&G ones, I bought a set.
    The bottom one is a lousy fit, way too loose, and so lop sided there is a 15mm gap down one side.
    I have bought some Evotech ones, the airflow will be reduced in comparison to the R&G, but hopefully not noticeable.
    Ironically, the R&G ones look suspiciously like the chinese ones on ebay, which are £24.99 delivered. Maybe....
    Pics for amusement.....
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