You know you are old when ...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. and me
  2. my problem is im still just as stupid and over the top as i was when i was 16, but the pain and education of life experience takes away the magic of naivety and you start to realise what a fkd world of meaningless bullshit it all is and that the sands of time are accelerating.....
    you also know youre getting older when you think that a good 85% of the way society works is bullshit and the capital fm top 40 charts' made up entirely of the same song that goes thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump rearranged into 40 ever so slightly different versions of the same song or pale rehashes of old songs (or is it just me that thinks that every bruno mars track is a sound alike...?)..

    personally i know im past it based purely on that fact that i dont think its cool to wear my jeans or trakkie bottoms to knowingly expose my arsehole.
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  3. just read your other post funky

    your my hero lol :upyeah:
  4. F... me. What forum have I joined. Kid haters and gerontophobiasts :smile:. Insomnia! Must be my age.
  5. Hey Lucas next week it's one of those tartan boots that heat up !!!

    T.V ... Well why not buy yourself a copy of Radio Times :)

    If your really bored why not take up Crochet ?

    If you feel old jeez ... I'm going to pick my nursing home !

    Never grow old Never Surrender!
  6. Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and preserved piece, but to slide across the line broadside,thoroughly used up,worn out ,leaking oil, shouting GERONIMO!!!!!!!
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  7. I kind off agree but life is a bitch and sometimes it slaps you. That night it slapped me with I am old feeling!!

  8. FFS Luca, you are OLD mate!!! LOL:upyeah:
  9. Sorry Roy you family man you would not get it me thinks but the old feeling is gone now, sod it is basically back.
  10. I knew I was old when I started getting letters from SAGA and Age Concern.

  11. The only Geronimo I recall was that bloody safe sex advert with the bloke who called his device Geronimo .., if your still using one you hang on the line to dry your old ... Or tight fisted ;)
  12. Your doing it all wrong !!!
    The photo of the two girls ... Now you should have got those two to slap you !!!..... On your arse laddy !! ;)

  13. That made me recall this :) :)
    #33 He11cat, Jan 29, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  14. You know you're getting old when you realise you have absolutely no place in a nightclub, unless you're Mr Stringfellow.

    And he has no place in a nightclub either.
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