For Sale Multistrada Dvt \ Enduro Puig Touring Screen, Light Smoked

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by macker1974, Jun 13, 2018.

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  1. As above,

    As new and in it's original packaging. Used for 1 day only. Its the light smoke version.

    Think it was around £80 new.

    £50 incl postage?

    puig1.jpg puig2.jpg puig3.jpg
  2. Tough audience!
    £40 posted anyone??
  3. whats the reason for not using it?
  4. Never had a smoked screen before and fancied the look of it! I think it looks super on the bike. Just can’t get on with the darker tint so I’ve ordered a clear version.
  5. is it that tall you look through it rather than over it?
  6. Depends on where you have the screen set and whether you’re looking up or down!
    Just doesn’t work for me .. obviously not an issue for others.
  7. can you measure it from bottom to top please as might be interested
  8. Hi, It measures 60cm from top to bottom. Hope that helps
  9. Ill take it
  10. Now sold and thread closed.
  11. It wasn’t.

    But it is now ;)
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