Clutch Help Please 848

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Ebbs73, Jun 17, 2018.

  1. hello

    I've been collecting parts to fit to my new bike , I've done the easy bits , screen , seat so thought now the greasy bits
    I've done the starter cables and all good , I've fitted the Oberon clutch slave , bleed etc and seemed ok .
    I read the instructions again and noticed it had the little adapter pin that I hadn't fitted , I took it apart and put it in , this was 11-30 last night so started it and it seemed ok but didn't ride it .

    I also tried to install the 14 tooth front sprocket but bloody hell thats tight , I've left that for another day/garage .

    How , this is where the fan gets covered in shite .

    I went to ride this morning , bike starts , clutch in , release and it sounds as if the clutch is half way in/out and you can hear a crunching sound as if the gears are not engaged properly .
    Oh crap , must be the small pin as per instructions .
    Back in the garage and just fitted the original slave back on , but it's still the same .

    Any ideas gents , have I just created a big looming bill or am I a idiot for missing something stupid .

    Thank you

    #1 Ebbs73, Jun 17, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2018
  2. Do you mean the extender pin on the pushrod under the new slave cylinder?
  3. Yes the extender , im sure it's now lodged in the new slave .

    But I shall now run off to check !!
  4. I've just been out and checked , the extender is deco in the new one , the instructions say to hit it hard on the back and it will pop out , err no I won't !

    Old one back on and bled , still a shocking crunching sound as if 2 cogs are not engaged .

    Strangely , with it off , I can get it in gear and she spins up , under load and sat on it , crunch crunch crunch .

    My phrase was. " oh fuck ! "

    Exspensive stuff this new slave cylinder stuff :-(
  5. When you say 'bled'...Where from? Have you bleed at the M/C as well?
    Also add a small smear (lovely word) of grease on to the end of the push rod that goes in the slave.
  6. Have you put the marked hole on the clutch pressure plate over the post with the slot in?
  7. 848 Chris
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. Yes , I bled both ends and gave the rod a grease .


    What what ??
  9. Chris’s answer relates to dry clutch, not 848 wet clutch.
  10. Don’t confuse me .

    I’m rather pissed off as it is .
    This was meant to be simple .

    Appreciate your time tho .
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. I got air in the primary cylinder a few weeks ago and it made the clutch misbehave terribly, bleeding the slave cylinder did nothing so bleed the primary it worked on my 1098.
  12. Morning

    I'll give it another go to make sure but I'm not sure it's that , it's the crunching from the gearbox that's really worrying me .
    The clutch seems to work but when you engage it to pull away it sounds as if two gears are missing and grinding like a bugger .
    All I've done is change to a Oberon slave cylinder .

  13. So just to clarify, you pull the clutch lever in, and you manage to select a gear using gear lever without any fuss/noise - It’s only when you start to release the clutch lever that the grinding noise starts?
  14. In the absence of a reply, if above post is correct, I think there is a chance that when you added the extender that you have literally over-extended the travel of the pushrod and maybe popped the outermost plate off the clutch drum. If this is the case then it shouldn’t be too hard to confirm and then rectify.
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  15. Yes the above is correct , sorry I should have been clearer .
    It’s not your issue and you’ve discribe it better they myself .

    I blame the stress it’s caused .

    Would it be a garage job or a simple ish fix , bare in mind I messed this up !
  16. Drain the oil and pop the clutch cover off to confirm Chris' suspicions would be my first step. It doesnt sound like a major hassle from what Ive read.
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  17. Thank you bootsam , I like your positivity .

    I’ll have a nose later .
  18. Chris you were spot on .

    I cancelled some jobs so I could have a look , the very last clutch plate had been pushed off .
    Took it apart and back replaced it all .
    Oil , test ride .
    Fantastic , all working .
    I was really worried I’d done some major damage .

    Thank you , you’re a star .

    How to get the extender out of the new slave !!
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