Clutch Help Please 848

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Ebbs73, Jun 17, 2018.

  1. Two ideas (you have probably thought of them both and tried them already!): –
    1/ A VERY strong magnet if you possess one, plus light tapping.
    2/with slave unit removed, repeatedly tap slave body, exit face downwards on something solid but which won’t mark the slave face, like a piece of wood.
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  2. I was just going to say that AFAIK the extender pin was only for early 748/916 models and not required on new stuff, certainly did add any pins when I did mine.

    Was going to do the 14t sprocket but given your experience and the fact I don’t have an impact gun I might wait ;-)
  3. The gun looks a good idea , may as well spend more money !

    The instructions say to fit the pin on earlier model 848’s , 08-10 then without , maybe mines a cross over
    One .

    The instructions for the slave say to fit it and if not required tap the back with wood on a flat surface , oh I’ve tested it , she not be moving !
    I’ll worry about that another time , just happy I’ve not fook my bike .
    I work on all my other bikes but I’m just a bit intimadated by this thing !

    Appreciate your time on this , I’m a happy bunny .
  4. The gun is a good idea.
    It took an enormously long pole to shift mine.
    The result is worth it though.
    These bikes are so much nicer when geared down a bit :)
  5. Trip to machine mart tomorrow .

    I’m sure it will be a ‘ how’d I cope without it ‘ tool .
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. cheers for keeping us posted on how this went. I just ordered the same oberon part :bucktooth:
    if you fitted yours again, what would you have done differently? :thinkingface:, you mentioned an extender that pushed the clutch plate off? Is that part of the kit from oberon?
  7. Yeah, I think I'm going to get one also, but probably a mains one to save a bit of money, can't really see where I'll need a battery one.
  8. Certainly a mains one for me too .

    It was really easy to swop to the Oberan slave but I read the instructions and put the extender in , I’m sure my bikes a odd one as it should need the extender but clearly didn’t .
    I’ve still got the original on as I’m struggling to get the pin out .
    It really is a simple 30 min job tho .

    Well , unless your me !
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  9. The Clarke is a god send. It makes removing rear wheel a doddle as I always remove it when cleaning bike. Its also ace for the flywheel nut for when (not if lol) your sprag goes. This too is an easy job as long as you have a flywheel holding tool.
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  10. Don’t worry mate I’m in the same boat, I’ve done two things to mine now and had issues, the ducabike footpegs were a pain because of a bent pin, and the speedymoto top clamp was a terrible job and should have been easy (see other thread!).

    I need to order my gun and then next month I can get my sprocket
  11. Sooo

    I went and bought my Clark impact driver , found a 4.0 ah battery one in the sale section , half price , 450 nm etc .

    Get in , still won't move the bloody nut on the sprocket !!! Fooking Bike !

    Anyway , I'll save my crap for another thread as the clutch issue is sorted , thank you all
  12. Half price? Details please :)
  13. Ha

    Sorry , it was in the bargain corner , I asked the bloke for the one in the link and mentioned they had one ex display one .
    It's normally me that misses them , result ............ although sprocket still on FFS
  14. So just a lucky one-off.
    Shame it won’t shift the nut, despite the glowing reports of how effective they are.
    What I don’t get about these things is why they don’t break your wrist...
  15. you have one don’t you? - it uses a short, sharp, hammer action so restraint needed is really brief, i.e. torque doesn’t “build”.
    @Ebbs73 so you didn’t get the CEW1000?
    #36 Chris, Jun 21, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
    • Useful Useful x 1
  16. Chris , I didn't get CEW1000 as the battery one was similar price , seemed the same kind of spec tho .

    I may need the hulk to move my nut .
  17. Had this issue on my Kawasaki. Put some heat into the nut and let it start to cool down and then get the rattle gun on it.
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