1200 Can't Find Neutral At Stop - A Fix For Multistrada 1200s

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Kim Ross, Jul 1, 2018.

  1. I just picked up a 2014 Multistrada 1200S Touring. It had an annoying problem: I couldn't shift into neutral when at a full stop. I searched and searched for a fix, and couldn't find an answer, and then figured this out... This may be obvious but...

    There is an adjustment for clutch lever travel. The prior owner had set this very short (the lever was close to the grip). Because of that, the lever was not full pressing in on the control piston, so the clutch was not fully disengaging. Backing off the adjustment adds a bit of clutch lever travel, but I can pick up neutral at a stop with no problem now. It also reduced the aggressive engagement that the clutch exhibited.

    Maybe the prior owner had this set up this way for performance, but it was really distracting in urban traffic, trying to catch neutral while rolling to a stop, and sometimes dramatic coming off a stop light with a hair-trigger clutch.

    The adjustment is a small star screw that is mentioned in owner's manual, on the forward edge of the clutch lever. Note that, in order to get that screw to turn, it helps to push the lever away from the grips to lift the screw off its locking grooves.
  2. Welcome David, but introduce yourself properly in the newbies section too :upyeah:
  3. Make sure you still have a couple of mm free play before the lever starts to act on the clutch mechanism. Vital !
  4. I had a similar issue with my 2015 and solved it by flushing the clutch fluid with new. Didn't have to make any adjustments to the lever position. Even though yours is good now, I'd still recommend flushing the old fluid out.
  5. Intersting, this one. I have 14 Pikes Peak and often have the same issue. I shall check it out.
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