Mk1 Superlight Detailed restoration the saga Begins :-)

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by sim900sl, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. Hi there! New to this forum, but I was around a bit on the old forum. Fantastic thread here! I just sold my '93 900SS, but have a '98 900SS/FE in the garage, along with a few others. Not to throw a shameless advertisement into the mix here, but I'm taking the set of Superlight MKI 2pc wheels off the bike and I'm planning on selling them. They were professionally restored a few years ago, and are in fantastic condition. If anyone is interested please drop me a line. I'll post them for sale in a week or so once I swap them and polish them up a bit.


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  2. Quick Update

    New swinging arm bearings in :) what a faff that was ! Easy to do the second time now I have worked out how to do it !

    The Bearings are HK 2016 and you need four of them £15 the lot from a bearing supplier. Nice.
  3. Any danger of a quick overview of the tips and trick if it was a bit fiddly I plan to do mine, I knew the bearings were not that much.

    What did you do with the seals - how much and where from if you replaced them.


  4. Hi Gaz

    You are welcome to call me to discuss, I'm not going to bother writing it up ( send me a pm and I'll give you my number )
  5. Front brakes blead, still doing a lot of cleaning of parts and general tidying and faffing, waiting for the heads to be finished so I can get the motor back together and in the frame.
  6. Been polising me cans , ooer ! And nice they are too , pics to follow. Not much else done this weekend exept put pistons into cylinders, ready for the heads coming back.
    #106 sim900sl, Jan 13, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2013
  7. I just posted my Marvic/Akront Superlight MKI wheels in the classifieds here if anyone would like to see pics. It seems there are more 900 Superlight MKI's on your side of the pond than in the states, and more interest in restoring and preserving the older bikes as well.
  8. Well its been a couple of weeks, but progress has been made, the engine is now back together ! Should be back in frame later this week. Just waiting for the FCR's to arrive.
    engine lh after.jpg engine rh after.jpg

    engine lh after.jpg

    engine rh after.jpg
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  9. Looking good Simon. What paint did you use on the CC, barrells, head etc please? looks a nice finish. Really need to sort my SL motor out
  10. Case restoration on my 900 SL.
    First of all I used Nitromors paint stripper on all the paintthat required re painting, this was followed by cleaning with meths , then I maskedoff all holes etc with duct tape and masking tape, then I used a rotary wire brush on the crankcaseand a bench mounted 3m sateen mop on the pieces that were portable, blew everythingof with compressed air and cleaned with cellulose thinners.
    I opted for a grey etch primer on the parts that were goingto be painted silver and a black etch primer on the parts that were going to beblack.
    The Paints I used were Closterman 446 Black etch primer,Techcote High Temperature Satin Black (TC120), Closterman 445 grey etch primerand Simoniz Engine enamel Aluminium (SIMVHT31C)
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  11. FCR's due to arrive tommorow from the USA :biggrin:
  12. Fcr's arrived :biggrin: will get fitted ASAP ! , this is where its up to now , transforamtion nearly complete.
    nearly back together.jpg nearly back together 2.jpg

    nearly back together.jpg

    nearly back together 2.jpg
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  13. Looking really good Simon :upyeah:
  14. SWEET! grand job:upyeah:
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  15. Sounds sweet as a nut and looking amazing.
  16. Simon, that sounds suuuuperb - top effort.


  17. Sounds awesome and looks brilliant. Dam good job on the restoration Simon:upyeah:
  18. Fantastic, it looks, and sounds amazing.....congratulations. Now, when are you putting it up for sale ? The pleasure is in the restoration, some would say.
  19. Thanks
    Well I have sold some of my other restos, but this ones a keeper , I think its got a big grin factor.
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