1200 DVT Windnoise - Mirrors

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Jackstraw, Aug 3, 2018.

  1. I've read in another forum that someone changed to bar end mirrors and it made a big difference to the wind noise/ turbulence that the 1200 DVT suffers from.

    I've had a quick go at taking mine off to see whether this would help but mine are well and truly locked in place. I'm off to see a mate with an impact wrench to loosen the bolts next week but in the meantime I wondered whether any one has tried riding without mirrors and if so what the effect was.

    I'm prepared to try anything right now, I love the bike and it ticks all my boxes but if I cannot resolve the noise at 70mph and above then I'm going to have to trade it in for a KTM
    • WTF WTF x 1

    You’ll be there for ever and brake stuff...iirc offside mirror is righty loosey

    They would not be so tight you can’t undo with regular kit :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Thanks Bradders
    You've just saved me a whole load of stress
    It was the right one which was giving me grief, perhaps a long bar and turning it to the right (for right read wrong!) way will work
    Still interested to hear if anyone has tried it
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Let us know what different it makes, although not sure what you could replace them with?
  5. Rear view camera and screen?
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  6. i had exactly the same issue and am please to report my wind noise problem is well and truly sorted now.

    what have you tried,what have you got fitted and which helmet do you wear?

  7. What was you final solution - with photos...

  8. bike is now tucked away in the garage. I can take some pics in the morning, but have the MRA vario screen and a set of spacers from jamie clare, I believe he's a member on here, if not he's on the multistrada facebook group. I think I did about 1100 miles to Holland and it was no problem at all for me even with my peaked tour x helmet. I can listen to the radio and use my comms no problem at all.
  9. Some photos tomorrow would be great... thanks
  10. not a problem, saved the bike for me!! how tall are you by the way
  11. whereabouts in wales are you? i'm taking the bike to st harmon in three weeks
  12. I am up the valleys from Newport...

    I am off to China tomorrow for three week.. Work..

  13. Short ass... 5' 7" - but short legs - 27" so with normal length legs would be 5'10"... ;)
  14. i'm 5'9" with 29" inside leg, so not far off. i run with my seat in the lower position

  15. Me too....:D
  16. So the spacers were worth its daddy? Need to sort mine, love the short black screen but it’s horrific at speed
  17. for me it works better with the spacers. plus they prevent the mra screen from fouling my garmin on the navihalter
    • Useful Useful x 1
  18. plus they are nice and cheap so i felt they were worth taking a risk on
  19. So far I've tried the original screen, huge Givi touring screen, small puig racing screen, palmer products spacer, no screen, a wunderlich add on, some blue peter plastic and tape to widen it and combinations of them all. I have tried a number of different ear plugs incl moulded and I use a Schubert C3Pro. Oh and falling your advice in another thread I ordered an MRA Vario screen add on. Fingers crossed eh!
  20. The vario screen on its own didn’t cure mine. I had to use the spacers from Jamie Clare. I’ve got used to the bike with the screen on now and think it looks ok
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