Finding Nemo's Easier Than Neutral

Discussion in 'Supersport (2016 onwards)' started by ibgarrow, Aug 17, 2018.

  1. when I bought my SS '18, I was assured that finding neutral would get better once I'd passed 600 miles and had the oil changed.
    1000 miles in it's still awfully hard,to the extent I try to select it on the run.
    When cold, the only way to get neutral is to stall the engine then select! It's quite happy to do it then.
    When cold, the gear lever either a) jumps 1-2 and 2-1 or b) doesn't seem to move any gear at all.
    Any clues?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. I find selecting neutral when cold is easier selecting it as you come to a stop.As mine warms up it gets better....Mine has been at Cobb and jagger for over a week now.Third visit for clutch issues, stalling when cold. Shame it's a great bike and so far C&J are doing their best.
  3. You’ve not messed with the clutch lever have you?
  4. Nope. Is as it arrived.
    I've tried releasing the clutch a little to move the gearbox about, tried moving the lever with a little bit of clutch engaged, tried after multiple clutch releases, tried rolling the bike back when clutch disengaged....nothing works when it's cold. Once warm the chances of finding N are a little better, but that's all.
    Sometimes the gear lever doesn't move the gears at a standstill at all when cold, as if it's not engaging with the change mechanism. On those occasions I can put effort up or down with no result.
    I'm off to Scotland next weekend so perhaps the miles added will free it up a bit more.
  5. if you start it from cold in neutral and then pull the clutch in and select first does the gear engage with an audible crunch! with a momentary jolt forwards?
  6. Nope. It does clunk when it engages from cold, but it's not a dragging clutch symptom. No movement of the bike.
    When I try to shift up from 1st, it jumps straight to 2nd, and vice versa. Even using fairy-like feet doesn't persuade it to stop at N.
    Yet if I stall/turn the engine off, it will select N either way ok.
  7. I'd check the clutch; sounds like its a dragging a bit. A good bleed may sort it...
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  8. I'll give that a try. Shouldn't be an issue on a brand new, PDId bike!
  9. I got the same answer, after I complained about the same difficulties selecting neutral. I just couldn't do it when stationary. If I didn't remember to get it into neutral before stopping at a traffic light, I would have to switch it off.

    Luckily, in my case, the promise was correct. The 'box had loosened up enough, even before the 600 mile service, and now with 1,000 on the clock I rarely have a problem selecting neutral.

    Your clutch must be dragging a bit. Of course not all miles are equal. I've done 600 miles around London, and the other 400 on a tour. The London miles have probably put more clutch-slipping than someone else's 1,000 miles.
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  10. Unless you've changed it. They are a cable from New. Some have changed them to hydraulic.
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  11. At around 9000 miles my bike is still difficult to get into neutral when cold. Perfect when hot, but it does not worry me as I tend to ride it when cold and have no need to use neutral.
  12. I cannot comment SS but my 2015 Hyper was very similar from new. Same story from the dealer but a bit of digging revealed that the clutch on the Hyper ours very finnicky about how you set it and even a millimetre can make finding neutral difficult to impossible. Set it up properly and it was a delight. After the first service it was back to the same issue, the buggers had fiddled with it. Long story but it may be worthwhile getting a manual and going through the process of setting up the free play on the lever properly. Makes all the difference on the Hyper.
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  13. Mine is pretty much the same 1,500 miles in. I’ve just got into the habit of selecting neutral before coming to a halt. If I do stop and then want to find neutral I often see two dashes, - - , on the gear indicator as opposed to a 1, 2 or the ever elusive N that I’m actually trying to find.

    Have just put it down to Italian idiosyncrasies.
  14. My multi was tricky up to about 2000 ish miles. My ktm was really difficult till about 1000, and everything is just starting to loosen up now. I found the engine and gearbox on the multi both to be tight until 3000+, but neutral was easier at the 2k point
  15. Try adjusting the clutch lever so you have a longer pull.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Check the freeplay at the lever. As said above it is important to keep it to a minimum or the clutch will drag, especially when cold. Adjust the screw at the clutch lever for about 2 mm freeplay. The freeplay is more easily seen at the clutch activating lever at the bottom of the cable.
    Mine was bad to start with but did improve with miles and much more after adjusting the cable. Neutral can still be slightly difficult for the first mile or so but is fine after that.
    A more annoying problem is that the clutch can be very grabby for that mile or so, often resulting in me stalling the bike at the first off when cold. It is like the self-servo is coming in to quickly. After engaging 1st, blipping the throttle a couple of times before releasing the clutch seems to help.
    We can compare bikes when you are up here next weekend :) Mines will be over 6k by then.
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  17. Mine does that when cold, I must try the blipping trick. Tnx.
  18. Mine when new was just awful. Like you I had to try and get neutral before stopping. If I didnt the only way to find neutral was turn the engine off, select neutral and restart the engine. All before the lights went green! I complained to the dealer many times.

    However it improved with the 600 mile service, the dealer uses Motul (whats in yours?). Since then it has improved magically to the point where it isnt an issue any more.
  19. Sorry, no idea.

    For the first 600 miles it would have been whatever the factory put in. I just assumed the main dealer, who serviced it at 600, would put only the factory approved stuff, I never even thought to ask them. I will be visiting them next week, I'll ask.
  20. I test ride one, same problem.
    Motul sounds a good solution to the problem.
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