1200 Terminal Termi

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by niner, Sep 4, 2018.

  1. NOWAY

    14 vote(s)
  2. YES cos I'm a mug

    4 vote(s)
  1. 2001 and its stiil good?
  2. I guess this picture is the "before repair" picture?
    And the other picture is the post repair?

    What are the black-ish marks on the lower side of the picture on the exhaust?

    Also, you mentioned 5yrs/27,000mls, does that mean you bought it new, and you used it for that long before it disintegrated?
    Or you bought it second hand after someone used it for 5yrs?

    There are material specialists that you could send the part to? They'll analyse the exhaust and tell you the failure mode. If it's manufacturing/material defect related you could send that report to Termignoni?
    I guess they'll have a warranty period though and 5 years might be past it?
  3. I'm not going to do that its a lot of bother for nothing, Ill buy a new exhaust, just not a termi,
    I posted as a warning to potential buyers
    thanks for your input tho
  4. The black marks are engine sealer used to seal the repair as stated
    bought new with the bike I'm the original owner
    1700 pounds for an exhaust,5 years and 27000 miles_ really it should be the last thing to go
  5. Ok ive done my bit, it was a heads up to potential termi buyers,
    yes its 5 years old with 27000 miles on it but for 1700 pounds I expect better quality from a supposedly quality manufacturer
    thanks for all the positive inputs, shame about the one idiot but if you call yourself mary then you truly are a C~@t
    I wont be answering anymore its all there in the thread
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Well bloody hell eh!
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  7. Whoa, Erm, I don't see the problem with my post. Only trying to help.
    Having pictures before all the repair stuff was slapped over it would give a stronger case, just look at all the replies. I have plenty of vision but sadly can't see back in time :)
    Given that its 5 years old trying a CC claim is not going to work, but then you didn't declare that earlier either.

    I appreciate your p!ssed off, but I doubt your post is going to put off others from buying Termis. If lots of others posted up with similar failures then that might.
    I've had issues with carbon termis before, but also other systems too. None of mine have failed quite so spectacularly as yours though.

    Personally I would have it re-sleeved, it will be as good as new for a lot less money than another system. You could alter the style / length too.
    for example:

    Then slap a different sticker on it if your still p!ssed off ;)
    • Like Like x 3
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  8. Blimey. What a grump! Worse than me dad!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Titanium alloys are perfectly good materials for exhaust systems - typically lighter/stronger/more corrosion-resistant than steel. Imho preferable to carbon as well (not as brittle, and has a reasonable modulus of elasticity). The variables become the particular alloy and more importantly, the construction.
  10. Looks very good and I do like the under the seat exhausts
    • WTF WTF x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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