Panigale Tricolore Fairing Panel

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Pfk, Aug 12, 2018.

  1. Was wondering if anyone has a LHS 1199s Tricolore fairing Panel squirrelled away that they want to sell ?

    It’s the larger side panel with the 1199s on.

    Many thanks
  2. I have both L&R in that design, after market type, from memory the decals are 1199

    Ideally like to sell as a set
  3. Any chance of a few pics ?

    Please PM me

  4. Yeah sure. They are packed away in storage. Will get them out in the next few days.
  5. Thanks matey :upyeah::)
  6. I found these pictures when the fairings arrived, will still get them out of storage and take more pictures and it has the 1199s, just realised the G is a bit wonky!!! and its only the top fair not the bottom with DUCATI


  7. What sort of money are you looking for ?
  8. Also spelt incorrectly.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  9. Well spotted that man :):upyeah:
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