Ukraine And Back

Discussion in 'Touring' started by Codfather, Sep 11, 2018.

  1. Chaps,
    A year ago, I posted a request to see if anyone had been to the Ukraine, as I had a bit of an itch to scratch, and do a bit of “Adventure Touring”. (Yes, I have read the “Adventure bikers, where are the going” thread, and it made I larf!)
    Just returned from a 17 day, 3600 mile blast to Kiev and back, on my GS. I had originally wanted to get a Multistrada Enduro, for that roughty toughty look, and to keep the 749 company, but eventually settled on the GS for this trip.
    I created a blog on Facebook for friends and family to keep track of us, so if you are at all interested, have a look at it. It was a fantastic trip, and lived up to expectations and then some!

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  2. Cool :cool: your route map circumnavigates the Czech Republic but you went to Brno & Praha :thinkingface:
  3. Yes, original plan was to go through Hungary, Austria and up through the Black Forest, but it would have meant 4/5 big mileage days, so we cut and ran up through Slovakia and Czech Rep.
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