I am looking for a plug in alarm for my 2017 Multistrada 1200 S. I have conflicting info about the Ducati one not fitting my model? Does anyone have any experience or recommendations? Thanks
Hoping that the Ducati alarm will fit the 1260 as I have one here waiting to go on mine when I find the time. Just for added peace of mind when parked up in towns when here and abroad to dissuade scrotes from fiddling with it.
Any thoughts on location to mount? I would like to keep the space under the pillion seat if a5 all possible?
Should be doing this either Monday or Tuesday if workload allows. Reading the instructions the dedicated connector should be located under the right-hand side panel. Will post back here and let you know how I got on.
The connector is on the right hand side not too far from the ECU. Found it when I was originally tryin to figure out where the Ducati charger plugged in
In my humble opinion, everyone ignores alarms. Get a tracker from a large company & also get an insurance discount. https://biketrac.co.uk/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0qah153b3QIVjeJ3Ch1CUAd4EAMYASAAEgKyufD_BwE
Already do but an alarm is to try and dissuade tinkering, kids and knock overs when I'm in the vicinity. Had a look the other day but more complicated to get bodywork off than I envisaged, not enough time. Now away in Lisbon so will have to revisit on my return.
Well, according to the pretty crappy instructions the mounting location is under the right hand fairing panel with the connector under the right side panel. Finally managed to get both of those off but there's no suitable space and no connector. It's either somewhere else on the 1260 (alarm and instructions are for the 1200 DVT, foolishly assumed would be the same... ) or there's no facility at all for the factory alarm. Will ask Ducati at the NEC, failing that will get a Xena disk lock alarm for use when I feel it necessary and then this brand new alarm for a 1200 Multistrada will be on sale here at a knock down price.