Does anyone have a rose joint gear linkage or know where I can get one from. the link itself is only 30mm with the rose joints either end Left and Right hand threads. Really just need the linkage!!
its a Panigale 899, with Gilles Rearsets It's a small linkage from the rear of the rearsets, that connects to the a Pivot link, the other end of the pivot link connects to the DQS
Get them from: Don’t buy the cheapo ones, they are poor quality and do not last long. Get the mid-range ones or the expensive ones.
Thanks I did actually see these however the original ones I have is the traditional bar with two rose joints either end, will measure accurately tonight and that might just work, Thank you
The original would be from Gilles, thought they would be easily sourced without going to Gilles and without the Gilles price tag I took the linkage off to change to race shift and one of the rose joint was seized, when I went to remove and loosen it but it snapped inside, and I did soak it in WD40 turned it 1/2 one way then back to loosen it up then it just snapped, I drilled it out also but it's left hand thread and don't have a L/H tap. In doing so I damaged the linkage trying to hold it in the vice, even with protection around it with the WD40 still marked it all up, thought I could get a replacement easier than this.