Good To See The Spirit Of Adventure Is Still Alive

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by GordonH, Oct 11, 2018.

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  1. an aside, what car (or vehicle) would you choose for this (must be old banger status)?

    I'd go for a 1999 1.3l K11E Nissan Micra - camchain engine, pretty well indestructable....or a 2004 1.4l Honda Jazz - same, but with more space.
  2. Modus 1.5DCI - 80+ mpg, very roomy for a little car, highish driving position and comfy - Mk2 version so you don't have to take the car apart to change a headlight bulb :)
  3. Diesel. You’ll be flogged and called a climate-facist before you made it past Notting Hill ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. It's all lies you know :eyes:
  5. as a panda owner, i would take the panda. most reliable vehicle i have ever owned
  6. ...a real masochist......nice choice!
  7. Do you really drive a Panda or are you just messing.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. yip, its my weekday don't give a shit, racking up the miles car. just touching 200k mls, i can confirm having PDI'd it and been the only one to service it, its had nothing more than oil and filters, a bit of brake work, one rear axil and one starter motor.
    over 70mpg.
    cheeper to maintain than a modus
    faster than a modus.
    handles better than a modus
    looks better than a modus.
    panda drivers are cooler than modus drivers.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  9. I think I'd take a Ford Transit or a just buy a camper or a caravan and a scoda, one with those extended mirrors that whack pedestrians and cyclists. I wouldn't take a sat nav. I'd ask for directions like in the good old days. Russia is a big place, can't be that hard to find.
    I'd also bring a pet, like a monkey. Everyone likes monkeys and he could steal food and do tricks for money. I would call my monkey 'dirty bastard'
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  10. A 2CV. Nothing complex on it, it's like a meccano set car, you can easily unbolt and rebolt pieces back on. Mind you it might take twice as long as everyone else to get there. :)
    Picture opportunity. Ignore the photobomb by the yellow thing in front of it :D
    #11 West Cork Paul, Oct 11, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2018
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  11. Wtf is a modus. Don't matter I will do a search someday
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  12. Corrected your spelling :):upyeah:
  13. Don't, it ain't pretty :confounded:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. Nice choice.

    Good with an R1100 engine in

  15. only a .......? needs to tell everybody that their other car is an exige. :zzz:
    yer gonna need a bigger forum if i was to list my Sunday cars *finger*. :p
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  16. 87424.jpg For someone that has time on their hands:thinkingface:
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  17. I don't care, finm, I am not buying your rusty gear-box muncher, no thank you.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. Should build these again. Look cool, nice city car
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  19. How the feck did he break the rear axle. Lard arse
    • Funny Funny x 1
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