Through Spindle Stand Bobbins

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by wadesnj, Nov 4, 2018.

  1. Does anyone know if the R&G spindle sliders/stand bobbins will fit the hollow spindle of my Monster 1000Sie? I see they do a range to fit later Monsters, but I don't know the internal spindle diameters of those.
  2. My wifes later (2018) Monster 821 has threaded holes in the swinging arm just in front of the axle for the bobbins.
    If the stand bobbins were in the axle spindle then you would not be able to remove the rear wheel.
  3. I don't have the threaded holes, and the R&G spindle sliders / stand bobbins are designed for the hollow spindle models, both single and dual sided swing arms. They still allow you to undo the spindle nut for wheel removal.
  4. If they have a bar that goes thru they should.
  5. It looks like they have an expanding sleeve that fits the internal diameter of the spindle. I have emailed R&G to ask. Just measured my spindle and it appears to be 20mm ID on the sprocket side with sort of splines in there - I guess there is a tool to hold the spindle while tightening the nut on the other end, not that I've needed it. The nut end on the brake side is smooth bore and 17mm ID.
  6. The multi set I have does just that. I had to cut bar to fit. The ones I just bought for s1000 don’t; but neither are R&G
  7. I was thinking I could make up an 8mm threaded rod and spacers - I already have a pair of 8mm bobbins, but I'll need a different diameter plug with an 8mm hole at each end to fit the internal axle diameters of 20mm and 17mm, bit of a faff as I don't have a workshop! Easier if I can buy one off the shelf. I already have the correct bobbin hooks for my stand, which at present uses the flat plate with rubber cushion, not very secure
  8. I made up my through spindle bobbins in the end. I bought a metre of M8 threaded rod, 6 x 50mm tube connectors and a pair of M8 bobbins. Quick hacksaw and a bit of Loctite and job's a good 'un. A pair of hooks from eBay interchangeable with my plates to allow wheel removal. Total cost less than 20 quid. IMG_20181110_112954.jpg IMG_20181110_115644.jpg IMG_20181110_120004.jpg
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  9. NIce.

    I too have one of those stands with interchangeable hook holders. And they are rubbish to use!! Get some fixed prong ones imho: easier to use on your own and lifts the rear higher for easier maintenance or use of tyre warmers (if thats your thing) :upyeah:
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  10. Nah, only use it for chain lube / adjustment, cleaning wheel and holding it upright to work on - you know how short the side stands are! Lifts the wheel high enough for those jobs. Locates on the bobbins much quicker and easier than getting the plates in the right place. Obviously not leaving the bobbins in situ when riding, it only takes 10 seconds to remove them.
  11. Ar right, so you remove during riding. This it was a fixed deal. What about when you need to remove the rear wheel?
  12. Just swap back to the under swing arm flat plates. Again only takes a minute.
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