1200 DVT All Year Biker

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Lord Farquaad, Nov 5, 2018.

  1. Just a quick note to say I’ve had my 1200DVT deep cleaned and ACF50’d again this year by All year Biker, specifically Steve in Warrington. If you use your bike in the wet or over winter, I can’t recommend it enough. £70 for 3 hours of deep clean then application of ACF50 by air compressor. Bargain. Note, I have no affiliation to the company, nor do I gain anything from promoting them. I’m simply a customer who’s very happy. I genuinely think the bike looks better than when it left the showroom.




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  2. Hi mate
    Have you got his number? I’m in Warrington and desperate to get my GS done so I can use it in the shit weather
  3. Had mine done by Gab, the All Year Biker guy in Hereford, early last week. Rained on the way home and with the roads covered in mud by farmer Giles the clean doesn't really show now which was a shame. Will give it a light going over later this week if I find the time.

    Well worth doing IMHO, had my MV done by him previously and that looked great after 18,000 miles and 2 and a half years. I tend not to ride all winter but don't worry about riding in the rain plus rarely have the time to clean the bike after every ride.
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  4. :upyeah: I really rate this cleaning/protection method and definitely wouldn't be without it.
    I've used AYB (Marlborough) on each of the three Mutli's I've owned and wouldn't hesitate, it genuinely is money well spent as I see it.
    Remember, the Italians use soft-cheese for pretty much all their 'quality' (????) metal-work, especially the fixings, which also suffers dreadfully in any exposure to rain, muck or salt, in terms of dis-colouration/deterioration.
    Using ACF 50 - AYB methodology/products, greatly enhances the physical appearance and durability of the metalwork, but regrettably won't make any difference to the cheese effect!

    It works for me and I also gain no material benefit for advocating this approach, other than the obvious increased longevity of the bike condition and potentially higher resale value.
    You pays yer money, you makes yer choice......:cool:

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  5. I've used them for the last couple of years. Agree with all the comments. Well worth the money, especially if you ride all year.
  6. Question, are the guys "mobile" do they come to you or do you need to take the bike to them? Only reason I ask is the bike is SORN now till spring so handy if they could pitch up. I see there's a franchise in Glasgow, has anyone in Scotland used them or offer their view? Thanks in advance.
  7. Depends on the franchisee I think. Some will, some won't. Will cost more unless you can get a bunch of mates to come and do a group deal at yours. Only way that you'll find out is to call your local franchise.
  8. Steve comes to me, my mate in the West Midlands has also booked a home visit.
  9. I don't think we have any place like this in the States unfortunately.
  10. Sounds like an amazing opportunity. Set it up and franchise it. If it doesn’t exist over there, it’s got great potential.
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  11. That is super clean !!!
  12. Have had all my bikes done by AYB. Brilliant job by Allan Duff up here in Aberdeen. ACF50 or XCP - both do what they say on the tin.

  13. Following all the excellent reviews re All Year Biker, I this afternoon spoke with my most local franchisee, who is in Bolsover, Chesterfield - about 20 minutes away from me in Dore, Sheffield.
    I have two bikes to be treated, my 2018 Multistrada and a new Vespa 300 GTS Touring.
    Incredibly, the chap is not prepared to come to me, instead insisting that I should ride one bike over to him, wait 2/3 hours until he does the work, ride the bike home, and then ride the second bike over to him and wait another 2/3 hours!
    Is it me? Needless to say, I will not be spending £140 and wasting an entire day. Why buy a franchise if you do not want to work? Crazy
    I’ll be ordering some ACF 50 tomorrow!!
  14. WOW! I guess that can be the difference in customer service when dealing with a franchised entity. Alan Duff couldn't be more helpful and is happy to travel. He sorts the logistics to ensure he covers each area and build own his schedule accordingly. Was there any explanation given as to why your local guy couldn't or wouldn't travel??
    You could always have a tour of Scotland next spring and come in past NE corner and Alan would treat the bike for you up here I am sure ;-);-)
    Good luck with the home application - ACF50 is mega stuff!!
  15. Unbelievable! He doesn't deserve your business. As with Esbee the guy that does my bike comes to me. All he asks for is a water and power supply.
  16. He said that he would have to load all his gear into his car, which is not very economical, and with the fee he would have to pay to the franchiser and the travelling, it would not be worth his while.
    He said he would only travel for four bikes, or more.
    Even in heavy traffic, he is no more than 30 minutes or so away from me - hardly ‘travelling’.
    I would not normally post in a negative way such as this, but I am genuinely amazed by this chap. If margins are so tight, I would suggest that the service is too cheap. £70 does seem very inexpensive for what seems to be an excellent service - for those who are able to take advantage!!
    Anyway, I genuinely wish the gent the very best; he was very pleasant and polite, and I hope it works out for him.
  17. I agree that £70 is not a lot for 3 hours labour plus materials, but if that's the going rate he should work with that and offer a proper service, as others in the franchise seem to be able to do.
  18. I used to do this job every year myself. Stripping down the bike, wash, dry with compressed air, WD40 all around metal parts, silicone spray on plastic, waxing all painting, emptying and removing tank to lubricate it with a fine layer of oil, removing battery and blimey...taking the tyres off the cold concrete in the garage. After becoming a daddy, my multi dated Aug 17 never saw water (only from rain). I just clean the windscreen once and again. It will need to survive another winter until my little monster inherits his daddy's job.
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