MCN Ducati

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by timberwolf, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Anyone see the Ducati owners write up in the MCN a couple of weeks ago? My mate was in it but I did not buy it in time. Was it any good? Anyone have a copy? I think it was about the 749's etc? I am sure he said his photo was on it. He has disappeared abroad now though so cannot ask him.
  2. I still have it!
  3. I bought this issue of MCN on a whim and without even glancing through it, so what a pleasant surprise seeing another Ducati 749 feature.

    I'm starting to think they kinda like 'em :)
  4. Is it just about the 749 then?
  5. No, it covered picking up an older model Ducati for reasonable money. It took in the 748/9, 916/996/998 etc. What it didn't cover was the current models. All good if it encourages more people to try a Ducati. As long as they don't get a 748 like I had, one that ate it's rockers and cams! Still had to have an 848 though!! :biggrin:
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