What Book Are You Reading

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Alan williams, Nov 23, 2018.

  1. Billy Idol autobiog. Dancing with Myself. Pretty outrageous.

    Used to read a book in a couple of days in my youth sometimes. Couple of months now is good going. Fkg www.
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  2. Just bought a VW Atlas, I'm about halfway through the owners manual. Had already started reading In The Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson. A friend had recommended it. I'll continue that when done with the manual. I prefer non-fiction so I am also reading Behave The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst by Robert M. Sapolsky. I already read Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers by him. For research based science, it's easy entertaining reading.
    • WTF WTF x 1
  3. Not reading but eddie Izzard book believe me on audiobook. It's even better than reading it cause he reads it and puts lots of new stuff in.
  4. Why don't zebras get ulcers?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Raymond roche,les vitesse des anges.
    Wel it is more looking at pictures because there is not much to read.
    But it are great pictures.

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  6. First book to hold my attention in school was Reach for the Sky, but have tried several times to read Pirsig's book Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, failed every time.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Salt in my Porridge, confessions of a ministers son. by Angus MacVicar.
    all based around his life in kintyre. an easy wee read.
  8. My first ducati book and just loving it:upyeah: DSCN5198[1].JPG
  9. Except for some primates, wild animals do not experience chronic stress like we do which is why we have so many stress related health issues including ulcers. Another good book by Dr. Sapolsky is The Trouble With Testosterone...a series of essays explaining the human predicament. As I understand it, his classes at Stanford always fill up because of his style of teaching, down to earth and humorous. Unfortunately he is off studying baboons a lot of the time and is not always in the classroom. There are many intriguing You Tube videos of him speaking (ex., Religion Is Nature's Antidepressant). Highly recommend watching one or two. He writes like he speaks.
    • Useful Useful x 2
  10. Enemy of the State, Tommy Robinson.
  11. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, being a book of philosophy is to be read when you "need" it. How do you know when that is? I have no clue but I must have timed it right when I read it years ago and thought it was awesome. Probably helped that it takes place in the Midwest with Minnesota references...areas I am familiar with.
  12. To be honest Faith, I think it was just to deep for me with tribes of imaginary Native Americans chasing across the plains ?
    Think I'm to dull to get to the philosophical element of it but my mate has read it and thinks it's a great book, go figure.
  13. Difficult read, though I did enjoy the reference to having to adjust the petrol to air ratio due to altitude.
    A lesson there for us all I think!
  14. :worried:
    Sorry, I don't understand the lesson there ?
  15. That's quite alright, neither did I
  16. As I am a proper reading addict I always have a few on the go, crimefiction is my thing, at the moment reading a lot of Karen Rose, she is rather good!
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  17. Historical fiction for me, Bernard Cornwell,Simon Scarrow etc.
  18. Just finished The Rainbow & The Rose (Nevil Shute - read nearly all of his). Just started Evil Machines by Terry Jones. Not sure I'm enjoying it.
  19. Do you still finish the book if you’re not enjoying it.
    I can’t not read to the end, just in case it gets better. Means it takes ages to read some though.
  20. The Outsider S.King
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