If You Could Do It All Again?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by AirCon, Nov 27, 2018.

  1. If you could go back in time, to say early Childhood to teenager.
    What single decisions would you change?

    Just one single decision from very early life.

    Stay in Computing (programming) and forget about Electronics!

    It's Winter.... indulge me.... it's cold, wet and miserable.
    My boiler is broken (main PCB) and the new one boiler is on an AM delivery tomorrow.
  2. I am not so sure i would change anything, it's been a roller-coaster for sure but happy where I am heading even though I do not know :thinkingface:
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  3. My parents moved home for work when I was 19 years old, perhaps I should have gone with them, my life might have been totally different.
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  4. My biggest regret was not joining the armed forces. Dad spent some in the RAF and would have liked to followed in his footsteps. I guess lack of self confidence at the time put me off. Other than that, learn a trade. Mechanic, plumber whatever. Something that I could have got cash in hand for! :laughing:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. You might even have been retired by now :eyes:
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  6. It took me far too long to learn what an arsehole I could be. If nothing else, I would like to have learnt that a lot earlier so I might have behaved a lot better to several people in my life who deserved more than I gave them. Andy
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  7. Not get a serious GF at university... What a waste of an opportunity the was!
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  9. I would have done something with my life which allowed me more time to myself. I gave up a successful career in banking in 2013 because I didn’t wish to follow my father into an early grave at 46. I then started a building company which I thought would allow me to potter about knocking stuff up out of wood which is now bigger and more demanding than anything I ever did in finance. I am literally scared of my phone and don’t get a minute’s peace and on top of it all despite having a seven figure turnover, my pockets are permanently empty. Most days I would rather just stay in bed with the girlfriend!
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  10. Me too:p
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  11. What if Joe catches you?!!
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  12. If he could whip the mower round too, that would be one less thing to take care of!
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  13. Actually do some work at school and take advantage of an expensive public school education so I had the ability to enter into a decent career and enjoy the fruits of success. Somehow in spite of leaving at sixteen with no qualifications I have managed to end up with a decent house bought and paid for, a decent sized collection of bikes (11) some money in the bank, a few shares and I'm quite proud of the fact that I own everything outright and have zero debt. It hasn't always been easy, back in the late 80's early 90's when the mortgage rate hit 16% I had three jobs and worked pretty much 7 days a week just to almost break even each month. Had I worked as hard at school I'm sure it wouldn't have been as bad and I'd be in an even better position nowadays. Still, at the end of it all I've survived and like to think I've got some idea of how hard it can be out there and won't forget any time soon.
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  14. Then i'm in trouble again;)
  15. Ha, you’ve seen the pictures I guess?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Don't be silly i'm a peeping tom with a pair of binoculars:blush:
  17. Wish I listened to my Dads advice when I started work about putting a bit of money away each week.
    I realise now that if I’d done that all them years ago I would have got into a better saving habit.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. I wouldn't have swapped my rgv250 for a playstation when I was 15 years old. :mad:
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  19. Come back to me in three weeks time as it's going to be...... a very big list:eek:
  20. I wouldnt of pulled the trigger.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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