If You Could Do It All Again?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by AirCon, Nov 27, 2018.

  1. Listened at school.
  2. Joined the navy
  3. Traveled the world and not become part of the rat race.
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  4. Nah, I'm good with how things have been throughout my adult life. Sure I could have made different "better" choices, but they might have had unforseen consequences! I don't worry about what might have been, I am happy with what I have & that I haven't had the misery that many others have endured. Just think anyone of us could have been in Koh Phi Phi in 2004.
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  5. Pretty O.K on most things, without the bad bits how do you know what the good bits are like. Wished I'd kept my first car, a mark 2 Cortina 1600 gt
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  6. And what are they worth now out of interest:thinkingface:
  7. Glad I didn't keep my first serious girlfriend, she was a size 8 at 15 (I was 16 you pervs) and was over a size 20 a few year later :eyes:
  8. And? WGAF
    • Love You Love You x 1
  9. It was you :eek: explains soooo much :blush:
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  10. My life has been a bit up and down, I have created most of my own problems, I do wish I could apologise to a few people but I can’t I can only go forward a better person and not repeat any past mistakes, I wish I had bought a van when younger and travelled Europe working like I do now, it’s generally cash (I do declare every penny :)) and the places I see as an uneducated unskilled doylem are fantastic, I love my job meeting brilliant people all over the place, all you need is a van and inclination.

    One life, it’s short treat people how you want to be treated, I have learnt just took me a while, but I’m always learning.
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  11. I'm crying in my undies for you blokes, so wandered out the front and took a pic to cheer you up ... Perth every morning (well nearly)

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    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Oh you win brother. As f ups go, that’s epic!
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. yep; one of my friends was in a beach hut - somehow she survived but it took 6 months to finally identify her boyfriend's remains.. :pensive:

    I wish I'd made a bit more of my 20's and been a bit more ambitious - should have earned far more than i did - was happy enough / lacking in confidence so just coasted along. That said it's not worked out too badly and I'm currently enjoying a bit of a career break, spending time with the family and looking for what i want to do next.
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  14. Having thought about it I think the only thing I’d change is not reinvesting the insurance payout and setting up again in business when I settled a multi million £ claim for my furniture factory burning down 20 years ago.

    If I’d just taken and banked the money I’d be writing this post from the Caribbean, surrounded by nubile, pert, young ladies who’d be pampering me morning, noon and night.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 2
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. I would have stayed 'in'......


    ...and not got married four times......
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. Pert young ladies would have rinsed you in more ways than one tel...you done ok just flog the 959 get the v4s and have fun :upyeah:
  17. I would have told my parents that at age 20 I was financially naive when they were the (1 from WA) and just to give me a few grand and put the rest of the gift in a trust until I was 30.

    AA Lotto Results 7 Feb 1987.jpg
  18. All I ever wanted to do was fly. Got my private licence at 19, cost me (well mostly Mum & Dad) a fortune. Went for Officer selection after a gap year with the RN. Passed stage one (aircrew/pilot aptitude) & was supposed to go back for some sort of evaluation later that year. I didn’t go, just thought I’d do it later & never did. I genuinely have no idea now why. It’s easily my biggest & only serious regret. Life got in the way of flying & don’t do that anymore either. Hey, I have a great family, my dream bike & a good life but...I’m not flying F35s off HMS QE next year either am I?
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  19. 67,000,000 of us aren’t either if that makes you feel a bit better :)
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  20. not buy a house at 23 then get trapped by negative equity
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