How Do You Know When It’s That Time ....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by d8mok, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. Sell up
    And get a new wife lol
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. I couldn’t afford a new wife or another wedding lol

    Makes a Ducati look cheap
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  3. Been there. Sold stuff. Took up golf. Regretted it. Bought another.

    And repeat.

    Now, I want to have something un the garage (not really into it either at the mo) just on case. Worth considering keeping the one that you may jump open occasionally.
  4. 4 k to me and I bring a digger and 2 ton of lime. Dig hole drop wife in drop
    Hole. refill no more problems lol
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  5. I admire the honesty everclear. Will you be getting replacements soon?
    Ps. I’ve had 4 Dukes, regret selling them all. Sorry if that’s not helpful?
  6. Yes I regret selling my monster and not sorting my SS out
    Life is short as I have found out
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  7. you can get that out your head right now! :mad:
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  8. I’m liking the scrambler :thinkingface:
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  9. Never never never give up!
    biking keeps me alive
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  10. Ps welcome back :)

    You know it makes sense
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  11. My daughter has just bought one:)
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  12. A red one I hope :)
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  13. :blush:so so sorry, no, black and yelow:blush:
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  14. I’ve sold up before only to miss it too much and ended up back in the saddle quite quickly.

    I’ve really got into mountain biking in the last few years but I still can’t be without a motorbike. On top of the pure enjoyment of riding, the diversity really keeps me motivated - weekend blasts, touring, track days etc... I’ve also got a good few mates I’ve met through bikes.

    Selling up is not necessarily a bad thing, gives you the chance to see how much you really miss it, and it’s not that hard to buy another bike.
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  15. Sell the four strokes and get a bit of lightweight bling for sunny sundays.....

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  16. Yeh nostalgia is such a let down, its like playing with an action man, there just isn't anything there and your imagination can't be arsed because you've grown up. Na things move on and prices have gone way above a inflationary rate that only a fucking idiot would accept. Then again, blokes down the pub say those that ride bikes are ass holes is probably not far from the truth. Who gives a flying fuck. Everyone has their vice, sitting on a bike will most definitely give you a massive erection whilst at the same time, tighten your ass hole and temporarily stop your heart. Yep, there is probably a sensible reason for riding bikes.
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  17. In holding pattern at the moment, the hip surgery (regarded as "major") is too risky at the moment due to another medical issue. Getting old is a bastard.
    #37 everclear, Nov 30, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2018
  18. 1100 Sport?

  19. 800 Full Throtle
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  20. Prices are only high if you rush to get a brand new bike 12 months after its launch. Ducati don’t tend to discount but you will find there are 25-30% savings to be had if you buy a bike 18+ months into its lifecycle. Although you won’t get a good discount on a new bike from Ducati, depreciation is your friend, V4’s have dropped £5k in only a few months of ownership and with low miles.
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