1200 DVT Lost Screw!!

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by CHUKI, Dec 6, 2018.

  1. Hi guys, would any of you know how to tell me the diameter in millimeters of this screw ??, today washing thoroughly, I have seen that I have lost

    Thank you

    Captura de pantalla 2018-12-06 a las 19.24.13.png
  2. only guessing 8mm ?
  3. I do not know, I've been looking for information through the network, but I have not found anything and I thought that some of you, just had the assembly manual and the components came
  4. Can you take opposite one out band measure it ?

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  5. If that's your only missing screw/bolt then your lucky. Mine losses at least one nut.bolt every 3-5 weeks from somewhere.
    I just thought they all did that and keeps your toes in check !!
  6. Thats a dealer answer... they all do that sir....
  7. I auto answer, it is 12 mm metric and 30 long, the problem is that I have not been to find anything in inox steel, and I had to mount a normal hexagonal head, but that is what it is, ducati I have not found the cutting, and I will not buy a new defense for a screws, on the other hand, the manufacturer touratech says that all this through Ducati, come on is like a vicious circle, you start where you end up
  8. You can get stainless steel cap screws from Halfords or Screwfix . Take the opposite side off for dimensions.

    I always buy the multi box with a variety of diameters M4 up to M12...........but that’s cos I used to have a Hypermotard 1100S that would shake out any loose fillings
  9. A little dab of Locktite should stop them from falling out. Simples.
  10. As Sam 1199 says,a dab of locktite / thread lock equivalent or go for a spring washer.
    Put the Spring washer on the bolt 1st then a flat washer after the spring washer. This should stop the bold coming undone. Also do a regular bolt check to see if any bolt’s have started to come undone.
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