Performance Bikes Rip

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wassy, Dec 7, 2018.

  1. Got a letter with my mag this month saying that the January edition of PB will be the last. Practical Sportsbikes will include all the best bits of PB.
    I was thinking of cancelling my subscription anyway tbh as it has got pretty stale lately.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. Thanks for the info.
    I was going to ask Santa for a subscription as I was finding it difficult to buy in shops...shan’t bother now!
  3. That explains why I’ve not been able to buy it locally. Andy
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Subscribe to Readly, or do like I did and convince the mrs too. Most bike magazines are on it also mcn 4 or 5 people can use 1 subscription.
  5. Aah, borrox! That's a shame, it was my fave bike mag. How come? Internet killed another magazine?
  6. I wonder if it’s still going to be available digitally?
    Used to be a brilliant mag, I’ve still got copies from the mid 80’s, god knows why!!
    I’ve just looked at the Readly site and it looks like a good option.
    £7.99/month for unlimited magazines, I pay £6.99 for Guitarist mag alone, I still like having the printed version but it seems they’re going to be a thing of the past.
    Bit like me I suppose!
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  7. It will be a separate section within Practical Sportsbikes mag.

    Lots about it on the PBmagforum website. People not buying enough copies to make it viable on its own it seems.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  8. Sadly, MCN won't be on Readly after the New Year. I had an email from them to tell me.
  9. Because Newbigging.
  10. Tip: subscribe to Front End Chatter podcast... it's Simon Hargreaves and Martin Fitzgibbons. It's a good listen.

    I'm sad about PB, I'd have rather seen Fast Bikes go to the wall.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. I talked to the advertising department on Friday (they rang me) and I discussed swapping my ad from Practical Sportsbikes back to Performance bikes from January as I got a better hit rate, he said he'd call me back in January to sort it o_O
  12. I prefer Bike magazine:)
  13. I preferred the Green un.
  14. Bloody internet!! Nothing like having a good mag in your hand for a read whilst sat on the thunderbox.
    Readers wives and tractor monthly are still available on the shelf
    In the spar I see though
  15. I cancelled my subscription to bike a couple of months ago, as I don't read more than half of it usually...
  16. Exactly! It's a sad state of affairs when we're all reading our phones on the khazi. Err, guilty btw :neutral:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. I think Fast Bikes adapted to the digital age better, they’ve got a YouTube channel with 21,000 subscribers. By YouTube standard that’s a drop in the ocean but it’s 21k more than PB.
  18. Doing it right now. Reading my
    Phone that is lol
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