What a big difference having a heavier spring fitted, I found the standard 85NM spring way too soft so put a 100NM on and boy what an improvement!!, new headset bearings also as the originals were shot and tramlined badly. Fresh oil and bushes on the fronts and its is better than ever. Been out today in the shitty rain and loving it. Probably going to head out to Devon or Cornwall tomorrow for a proper bed in.
Hello Pete T, what year is your bike. I have a 2016 PP and will need to fit the Ohlins heavier spring also. Nige
Chapster, Assuming your PP is an ohlins bike I would expect the spring is the same as I think it still has a TTX shock, just not electronically adjustable. Do a search on here, I posted years ago the part number of the 100nm spring. Otherwise just ring the dealer, as it is a listed optional spring for the 2010 to 12 bikes. Ohlins part number is 21729-34/100 (printed on the spring). http://www.mts1200.info.gridhosted.co.uk/index.php?threads/mts1200-rear-spring-change.169/
Yes if it's Ohlins on your Pikes Peak then getting a heavier spring should be straight forward, Ricky they used Oxy acetylene to heat it up and get it out.....Twas a right bugger as the mechanic said, stiffest one yet...oo err
Is the DVT PP ohlins or skyhook? I thought they ditched it for the first edition PP EDIT: Just checked and its manual Ohlins
Yes, Manual Ohlins.......and it is presently 'Manually' cranked up to Max and still too soft. I am blaming the good lady, and ignoring my 110kg frame.
Whats 110kg in stone? I'm 13 stone and find the 1200 fine for solo riding but as soon as the GF is onboard the Mutley's draggind her backside down the road worse than my Border Collie! I'm assuming that it is the rear spring to blame as my headlight was lighting the sky when riding around France with GF and luggage combined.
Bradders:- The bike has only done 4000 miles and looks like it hasn't seen much rain so fingers crossed. Nottsbiker :-About 17 stone........I am more Prop forward than Ice skater.
Where are you based? If you can’t do yourself, and south based (or may be via post??) I”d recommend @PGP to do it for you
Well, I appear to be going around in circles somewhat at present. I actually have the 100Nm spring fitted but its still too soft once pillion is on.....apparently Ohlins do not do a heavier spring. Anyone had dealings with an alternative spring provider to fit Ohlins Shock? (WP etc?) a number for a person to speak with would be good (A part number for a 110Nm spring would be a worldy...)