Does anyone know of a fix for the standard steering damper bracket flex on a 1098 streetfighter. It is flexing so much it is acting like a spring and actually making head shake / tank slappers Worse than no damper fitted at all. I've searched the streetfighter forum and no one else has mentioned the problem?? I have removed my tank and ignition to look at the bracket - no cracks or nothing seems to be wrong with the bracket or bolts. But if you put the ohlins damper even just on a few clicks and shake the handle bars quick you can visibly see the bracket bending. It bends so much that it is hitting the top of my forks and scratching the alloy. But worse is it acts like a spring and is making tank slapping worse than when I take the damper off.... Why am I the only one that seems to ever have had this problem? Maybe I need to take a video of it so others can see too? Maybe it would be possible to mount the bracket off the frame as the 1098 superbikes do. I haven't taken a close look at the 1098 damper mount welded to the frame, anyone see that as a possible fix?
Well I had no problem with mine, or any other members when we had the streetfighters. Are you sure that this is really causing your problem? I take it that you have checked everything else like bearings, tyre pressures tyre condition , headstock bearings before you can ascertain that the damper is really causing your problem, because as you say no one else suffers the actions that you have, Perhaps taking it to a Ducati Dealer or specialist to get a second opinion will be a good call?
Ive no problem at all with my 1098 SF, Not for me to say but ide also be having a close look at the headstock bearings