Cagiva 944ie In Western Australia, Hi!

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by naughtyG, Jan 23, 2019.

  1. Hi all,

    I just joined, thought I'd say hi. I'm located in Fremantle, Western Australia, and am the proud owner of a '93 Cagiva 900 Elefant, this one fitted with a 944ie ST2 motor and beautifully modified to some other nice specs.

    I'll be posting looking for advice as it's not quite running right, and being my first Duke-engined bike, I'm a bit of a newbie on the subject.

    • Like Like x 8
  2. Nice bike, welcome.
    • Like Like x 1
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  3. Welcome our antipodean friend ....
    Great, another to keep me company during my insomnia.
  4. Interesting bike you have there. Welcome to the forum.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Fabulous looking machine, welcome to the forum. :)
  6. Welcome naughty, be good :bucktooth:
  7. A tall bike alongside a tall ship,very nice,welcome:motorcycleduc::upyeah:
  8. Nice bike! Welcome and enjoy.
  9. Welcome!
  10. G'day mate
    Had an elefant many years ago.....great bike!
  11. Howdy fella, and welcome.
    Is that lovely little car and bike museum still there in Freemantle?
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Welcome Dave
  13. You forgot your bins :(
    We like pics of bins and bikes it’s a forum law

    Welcome into our mad house :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Welcome to the Ducati forum
  15. Welcome.
    Any problems with it running I would recommend you go and see Justin at protwin in wangara. Top bloke and will be able to sort it out for you.
  16. :grinning:
  17. Thanks - already been to see Justin but trying to sort out as much as I can before I have him slap the PCIII and tune
  18. Thanks for the welcome everyone.
    MK I don’t know about a car and bike museum in Freo, so I assume no?
  19. Only car and bike museum I can think of is at whiteman Park.
  20. Indeed, and it’s got one of Ricciardo’s Red Bull F1 cars :)
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