Wtb:termignoni 57mm Exhaust System With Titanium Muffler.

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Duca999, Feb 5, 2019.

  1. Hello

    I am in search of a termignoni 57mm banana type system with the titanium muffler. The system must be for the 999, 05-06, with the deep sump engine.

    If you have one for sale pleas send me a pm :)

  2. i can't recommend the Ti end can version of the 57mm system. they were not well made, and back in the time when i had my 999s/999r i managed to destroy 7 of them in quick succession.
    i would stick to the 'standard' Stainless version to minimise disappointment when it inevitably cracks around the upper mounting point
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  3. They are so badly made? Maybe I'll have to reconsider it. i have seen some pictures of the titanium muffler, like you say with the cracks around the upper mounting point. Thanks for the info :)
  4. The Leo Vince 57mm big outlet systems are worth looking at as an alternative
  5. I had it before. But sold it. i like the termi, looks better. May not give as much power as the lv system. But now I'm not driving on the track, so it is okay for me to take the termi . But thanks for the info :)
  6. Speak to Phil at Storm Performance exhausts - stormexhausts.co.uk drop him a email, recommended.
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