1200s - Michelin Road 5 Wear

Discussion in 'Tyres' started by Stavrich, Feb 15, 2019.

  1. Multi 1200s , 2013, 42k miles

    After 5k miles I noticed the ride side, front tyre, is worn more than the left - could say worn down twice on the right than left. The rear tyre seems to be worn down evenly. Also rear is not worn down as the front (both replaced at the same time) - it looks like it will be two fronts for one rear.

    Also notice the scalloping, rubber is lifting off- see arrow on photo.

    Is this normal for the Road 5? I expected more even wear and over 9-10k for the front, that's what i got from the 4s and 3s.

    Or is there something wrong with the bike. It feels ok riding, handlebar is straight and no vibration.
    Please note there are a lot of roundabouts in Milton Keynes :grinning: but did not get so much wear on previous tyres.
    Any ideas or what to check?
  2. This is my front & rear 4500 miles. 1200 s DVT 2017. The rear is starting to flat off a bit but front looks fine.
    20190215_153701.jpg 20190215_153723.jpg
  3. Ever since version 3 the Road series have been inclined to scallop.
    If you get really uneven scalloping (wavey edge) then suspension set up maybe influencing the wear. 3 and 4s could always see scalloping at about half worn. Various bikes:upyeah:
  4. Well as you can see mine have no uneven wearing. Just normal rear flatting off. The blurb was that the 5 was supposed to be a lot better wear wise than previous. Not sure about that front right side feathering. I have just asked my daughter to check at bike tyres Leeds to see if they have had any issues. Will report back when I get a reply.
  5. The Road 5 are very good but the front will scallop a bit - not excessive and no worse than the 4's. On my 1260 the front and rear wear at about the same rate and I usually change both at the same time. So far I have 5.5k miles and then 6K miles from mine and now on the 3rd set.
    I like the Road 5 but they wear at the same rate as the 4's, Michelin say that the grip is better on the 5 when it is worn the same amount as a 4 and I agree that worn tyres still give good grip, The 4's used to tramline a lot when they were worn, so an improvement with the 5's but they don't last any longer in my experience.
  6. Tramline?
  7. It's when you are riding mainly in a straight line & you go over a undulation in the road or I line where tarmac has been joined. You feel the bike sway under you , no problem if you are used to it. Brown trousers otherwise.
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  8. I agree with @Veetwin regarding durability, despite Michelin's claim of improved wear rate, I've found no benefit from my last 2 sets of Road 5's over PR4's, most I've had from a rear is 3k miles and 5k from the front, mostly riding with pillion and luggage. I've now gone back to 4's as I've not noticed any real improvement in grip level that justifies the Road 5's current price premium! I've had the strange scalloping on the front PR4's on all 3 of my Multistradas and my earlier K1300S, always the rhs wears quickest and the same for the 5's, this one just made it home, still plenty of grip though.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Hi Stavrich
    Usually road camber that wears right side of front. Always happens to my angel gts.
    A bit annoying granted.
  10. A couple of years back my front PR4 scalloped badly on the way back from a trip to Portugal and felt horrible on wet roads in the Picos. Converted me to Angel GT's which have been really good.
  11. I am mostly concerned with the wear on the right side - unless is something wrong with the bike (? ) it could be just down to too many roundabouts and road camber.
    But it seems that I will be replacing the front twice, usually is two rear for one front.
    Although @kartman gets a low mileage is still 2 rear for 1 front ( my rear looks quite healthy although cannot get rid the chicken strip - no strips on the Pirelli GT or Road 4s :))
  12. When road 2s were current, I had wear on right side of front tyre . Down to nearly slick with decent tread elsewhere. I do like big roundabouts. Typically got around 4.5-5k on a Fz1s and other litre bikes.

    Re chicken strips, the difference will be the tyre profile. Angel GTs while very good all round tyres are quickly on to the edge.

    Other tyres scallop as well but I think recent Pilot Road versions show it much more. Especially half, to end of life wear.
  13. Front worn on one side indicates that you should do more continental touring :D
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  14. I suppose using logic. Why does a tyre wear more on one side is that it has seen more tarmac. As said above maybe some of us always live on exit 3 off the roundabout :p. When peeling off roundabout we are accelerating so no load on left side.
  15. My scorpion2 rear was worn more on the right than the left. Changed today for the road 5's
    Also checked riding with no hands on the way to get them done and pulled left.
    Did same on the way home and for the first time it actually rode straight.

    Most annoyingly whe i got home, found i had a puncture in the new rear. Got to be a first - within 2 hours of fitting.
  16. Front right wear is to be expected in this country, left most other countries. It's because we turn right on the roundabout with weight on the front end. As you peal left to exit you take the weight off because you are accelerating. Hence no load no wear. :bucktooth::cool:
  17. It was my rear. 3500 miles and 2k on the continent. But less roundabouts
    Front was about even.
    Just an observation
  18. Did you find the cause ?
  19. My mate had that happen. Tuna out the tyre fitter had caught the screw on type valve & it was leaking.
  20. Thread moved
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