1200 DVT Multistrada Link App Anyone? Trouble Connecting? Help Offered.

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Kel, Aug 21, 2017.

  1. Ok...so it's not the biggest issue if the app isn't working for you, if everything else is fine with your bike then you're one of the luck ones. But if like me you're a typical gadget man then it's an nice extra to have...don't think?
    Nearly Two years I've been trying to connect this fucking thing ! Ok not literally, but you know what I mean. Been doing my head in.
    Anyway this is what I found for Android users. I'm assuming you've connected your phone to the bike, registered with the app, put your bike details in and been able to connect...once! When you've log out and tried it again you're not getting a bluetooth connection?
    And there lies the trouble .....that I had been having anyway.
    I'd uninstalled/ reinstalled, app/phone/bike/boots/boots/bike/phone/app, error messages "BT Not Available " "Wrong Frame Number" "No Connection Found" etc I think I've had them all.

    Right, first thing to note if you've already registered with ducati prior to the app use the same details e-mail etc.
    Open the app and log in, go to your bike details from settings icon and delete bike, now go to your phone settings and apps into the multi link app and delete the (cache data only) going back into the app will prompt you to add bike, scroll through the phone connecting tabs untill you get to enter frame number at this point switch on ignition and wait till phone icon on dash turns blue, now enter the frame number.... should now be linking. hey presto?
    Key is, if you want to be able to connect each time don't log out completely, or you're fucked and have to go through it all again. Least what I found. And give it a bit of time to connect, if it doesn't connect first time try just switching bike off and on again. Good Luck, Hope I've helped someone or two.
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  2. Thanks for the info. Had that happen.
  3. Yes. It can be a right pITA!

    You need to give it time to connect the app. Like start bike, start app, helmet, gloves etc then it should have connected.

    Then glove off again so you can get bit to record a journey ! lol
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  4. Yup, PITA is right. The app is very hit and miss, connects sometimes, then doesn't and so on. Then it'll lose connection if you stop or lose a good phone signal. I've not used mine for ages, although we're going on a trip to the Alps soon so might give it another whirl.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. Well thanks Guys...didn't think I was the only one that had been having problems .....and yes your right it is still very hit and miss. Can anyone tell me or know if it works any better with iphone? or still the same as I'm looking at changing phone...thanks
  6. Didn't have any problem with the iPhone. I wouldn't get to excited about it as once it's working you'll use it a few times and then get fed up with the faff of pressing start, put your phone away, get your glove on, get moving.......oh pants I didn't do it quick enough, start again........
  7. Mine is an iPhone
  8. The app won't open now, comes back with an error, given up
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. It worked once for me, and once only :(
    Also I can't find an 'exit' for the app anywhere on Android, or am I being thick?
    I will try the delete bike and cache and see what happens. Shame as I quite like the idea :)
  10. I will wait for the new version due this month they say.
  11. Has anyone recently updated the DMS at a Ducati service to the latest version ?
    Did it fix the connection problems and was able to pair the Ducati Link app to DVT models with no issues?
  12. Went to my dealer to upgrade the app as I’ve read about ,they didn’t know about this & were getting back to me in this regard, they must have forgot as still waiting.
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  13. I think Ducati should consider opening the code on DMS firmware. It’s the way to go nowadays, I believe.
    And why they are not using a touch screen yet?
    But if the new firmware works properly with all Multi versions, it would already be something.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. I deleted my Ducati App months ago - TMI :)
  15. wait ... you mean something tech that Ducati has branded ... and it DOES NOT WORK WELL/HAS ISSUES?

    this just cannot be :scream::poop:
  16. I never got past the login procedure before I gave up. Old dog new tricks etc.
  17. I can't see the added benefit compared to just connecting phone with headset and using Siri / Assistant to bark commands at it. Works reasonably well and I don't even bother pairing my Garmin SatNav with the headset any longer as I couldn't get on with it fretting about all the squirrel-crossings and dangerous bends... it didn't know about diesel spills or potholes and I can just look at the screen for directions.

    So although I figured I could get the BT module and connect all to the Multi it all seemed like just another electric thing to detract from hopping on and zipping off. The faff outlined above far outweighs the convenience factor, unless I'm missing some amazing feature?

    I am 100% sold on the Sena though. That thing is great.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. They let down in such easy things, It´s hard to believe!
    I bet any geek teen can fix their tech problems with the source code in hands, since they don´t seems to bother doing it. Don’t surprise me many people just ignore it. Becomes a problem instead of a tool.
    Anyway, I will give the nearest Ducati a call next week to see if I can get the updated firmware installed in the DMS and come back home with the app working. I love the idea of having a Strava for my Duc and do all bike the setup from the mobile.
  19. Ok, so had service today or rather 380 of your finest, unexpectedly disappear from my coffers : unamused: (clutch slave). Anyway, all updates done etc. Finally got the link app working without issue now (been waiting for the new version compatible with the 1200 DVT to arrive) but I notice the lean angle is missing? How am I supposed to know when I'm about fall off :thinkingface:

    All I got showing is speed & altitude ? neither of which I'm bothered to record, I know I go too fast, only till I fined it difficult to breath, might I think I'm too high up, but lean angle would have been a bit of a challenge to go for.... anyone else missing this?:thinkingface: don't tell me there's another update due :confounded:
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