Free Andoid based Ducati Diagnostic Software

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by chrisw, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. Came across Scan M5 DTC. It's free android based Ducati Diagnostic, fault reading and trimming software.

    To connect to your bike you need an IAW59M or IAW5AM ECU, a bluetooth ELM327 device and a Fiat adaptor.

    Looks interesting but I'm an iPhone user so can't evaluate. Would be good on a phone and small tablet.
  2. Thanks for the link Chris. I've downloaded this and also the Scan Mx5 Tests, Monitor and Trimmer apps. I already have the Fiat adaptor so I just need to get the ELM bluetooth adaptor to try them out.
    I wonder how long it will be before I can get something like this for the Mitsubishi ECUs Ducati are currently using?
  3. Would this work on a Hypermotard 1100s?
  4. It should do as long as it has a Marelli ECU. I think only the 1100 Evo uses a Seimens ECU.
  5. As Derek says, the HM1100S uses the IAW5AM ECU, so this will work for you. I've no Android devices so would be interested in how it performs
  6. You'll have to wait a while before I can find out. Before you posted that link for an ELM327 bluetooth adaptor I'd gone and ordered one from China. So it will probably be 2 or 3 weeks before I can try it out :rolleyes:
  7. My 2006 696 had a Siemens so they have been used previous to the EVO.
  8. I've got one of those BT adapters Chris and I have a Samsung Tab2 at home somewhere....

    I'll have a play and update you when I get home next week.
  9. I have been looking at this and have all the items needed . Im just not sure about a few things. One being what size battery is needed . I thought about using a square smoke alarm size battery first just not so sure. I know it says 12 volt on the page but I`m scared to plug it in.
    #10 ducati2242, Mar 16, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2013
  10. Use a 12v car/bike battery, battery charger or a 12 universal psu, if the ecu is off the bike.

    Even when using Ducatidiag conventionally with cables, it was bit fussy connecting without the voltage and amperage being too low.

    If the ecu is on yer bike still, the fiat type cable is meant to use the bikes own battery.
  11. O.K. so no battery needed if still on bike so next daft question is where is the diagnostic plug on a 999.
  12. Take the left fairing panel off. Bottom left hand corner of the battery box plastics is a 3 way Superseal connector held in place by a rubber strap. It should have two wires into it and have a plastic cap covering it. This is the diagnosic connector.
    #13 chrisw, Mar 16, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2013
  13. As Chris said....

    Conveniently it's beside the battery, close enough for the crocodile clips to reach ;-)
  14. Great , I will give it a go and tell you my results.
  15. Looks interesting... I've just ordered an Elm and will test with spare ECU.
  16. Well I tried & tried & tried - but could not get this bluetooth ELM to work with ducatidiag or Scan 5M. I tried with spare ECU on bench and with 'bike. Both PC and Andriod 'phone would recognize the bluetooth adapter and appeared to connect but neither was able to communicate with the ECU.

    I was a bit miffed that the CD supplied with the ELM is full of Trojans and links to 'undesirable' web sites. My AV software threw a fit when I put the CD in PC. As it happens though, if using Win 7 or 8 the supplied drivers should not be needed.

    Interestingly, I found the developer of ScanST has also produced a windows tool to do the same job - but it is not particularly well developed and I could not get the latest version (ScanST300) to work at all. The previous version ScanSt242 would connect to an on bench ECU using a KKL cable.
  17. For Ducatidiag - change to ELM327 by clicking on ? and choosing settings. The ELM327 will have two com port settings. Use the lower one. Ensure 9600 is chosen with a tick in box. Works with Fast Init for both 59M and 5AM.
  18. I'll check that out with ducati diag - but it does not explain why it would not work with android. As it happens, I could not get latest ducati diag (24) to work at all; 23 was OK though. Get back to this in the morning...
  19. Well I tried ducatidaiag again after checking settings suggested by chrisw (I has already got these set) but without success. The bluetooth ELM simply will not connect. By contrast, using KKL I can connect using slow init.
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