Am still debating

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by rjt_berlin, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. Whether a move from my GSA is such a good idea, on the one hand i looooove the multi, but when i read all these reports about defects and problems i really am unsure about it all

    Dealer network is no longer amazing in berlin, have a good independent but he can only come into action after warranty, therefore am really concerend about making the jump

    Told the dealwr no, keeping the beemer, but cant get away from loving the multi

    Just concerned i will be disappointed!
  2. You only hear the bad things on forums like this. For every bad report I'm sure there are ten owners that are delighted with the Multi.

    Or I could be wrong :tongue:
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  3. Have you ridden the new LC GS yet....... That might make your mind up to stay with BMW, it's very impressive ! (I had a Multi 1200S for two years & almost trouble free 24000 miles.).
    I've ridden the LC GS & 2013 Multi, both with the semi active suspension, twice back to back........ My next bike will be the LC GS !
    #3 Multi Rod, Mar 10, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2013
  4. Havent no, the new beemer somehow doesnt float my boat - am sure it is great though, mentioned before the gsa is the easiest bike i have ever ridden, still attracted by the multi though, cant stop researching :)
  5. The Multi is a great bike to ride; certainly the most entertaining, exiting and practical machine I have ever owned. Did 14000 miles in 17 months of ownership but had more than my share of issues.

    I am not convinced the Multi is a good high milage machine but plenty of other people will say it is.
  6. If you looked on a GS forum you would never own one of those either!

    Over two years my GS had an oil leak into the clutch housing (very expensive as the bike has to be split in two). Plus £100 for a new clutch plate into the bargain. The gear position indicator developed a mind of its own - £90 for the parts but again a major strip to fit it. I also had serious corrosion on the engine front casing and drive shaft housing. Bike was four years old when I dot shot of it.

    Lots are having trouble with ABS and rear wheel bearings (and thats £900+ for a new drive shaft as BMW do not service them)!

    In 11000 miles and 18 months of Ducati Multi ownership I have had no problems.

    BMW are still living on their reputation from times past imo. Many of their component suppliers are probably the same as Ducati's anyway. What is more one of the least reliable parts of the multi has been the (German) Ohlins suspension has it not?
  7. I think we can deduce from this that both brands have their problem bikes. I would not say either brand is faultless, so if you accept this it realy comes down to which bike you like the most, then hope for the best !!
    (BTW, I've owned 5 Ducati's & 3 BMW's)
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  8. Oehlins is swedish not german, but not good considering they should be the worlds best...... Am on the gs forum, just dont see the same amount of issues - i know, horses for courses
  9. I've had both, loved both but would never swap my multi back for a GS now.

    There's just something about the multi when you ride it that makes you forget how big it is, the noise, the power, the suspension...

    Just do it, you'll be glad you did!
  10. ive had all the gs from 1150 to the 1200 adv,basic,r,rr for the last 11 years it took me ages to decide also the vibration was ruining my rides had a test ride on mts now on 2012 ducati and love it to death it has been a very long time since ive had the biggest grin factor time will tell as we r away on tour to italy/austra in 11 weeks 5 hours 21 minutes and ten seconds but hey whos counting :biggrin:the thing is if you go for duke u dont like it you can always go back to gs (i def wouldnt)all bikes have issues some worse than others enjoy
  11. Ironically my MTS has never failed to get me to where I was going, whereas my 1200 GSA did so twice, spectacularly.

    However, to my mind they're totally different beasts - if I was doing serious distances again I'd be back on a GSA in a heartbeat. As an allround plaything the MTS is streets ahead.
  12. I was suggesting ONLY the new LC GS, surprisingly that is not a totally different beast.
    Funnily enough, I found my Multi more comfortable than my GS on my annual pilgrimage to the Alps & Dolomites.
  13. The distance issue doesnt bother me too much - I generally have one good week a year where I am clocking up the miles, otherwise it is always short blasts - the reason for deliberation is how EASY the GSA is to ride, inspires (for me) a lot of confidence, not sure I will find that in the Multi - I know both have reports about reliability issues, I guess that is always pot luck - I just know though that dealer support for BMW in Berlin is far more widespread than ducati - this is a supporting factor. BUT am still seriously considering this change!!!!
  14. Don't bother. If you like what you've got, keep it. It's the simplest, safest, cheapest solution. More happiness will accrue from other things in your life than a change of bike.

    On the other hand, if you feel like taking some risks (not that I get that impression) go ahead and get a Multi.
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  15. I agree with gliddo. You are obviously looking for some sort of guarantee that you will prefer the Multi to your GS and that it will never let you down - thats not going to happen. There are risks in life.

    You have had lots of opinions and if you are still unsure you would probably be best sticking to what you have. Time to make your mind up, don't you think, rjt
  16. If its any help, riding a Multi is as easy as falling off a bike!!
    Now to the real question. Which one gives you a warm feeling every time you look at it and a big grin every time you ride it.

    Decision made:upyeah:

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  17. You will never know if you did the right thing till you try it.
    The multi is fun and comfy it's easy
    I loved being pillion on it too could easily fall asleep on it
    Corners are easy

    I never got one A it's a little tall for me and B I had my heart lost to my SS and always hankered back to riding her
    You see I have to do things the hard way I must not do what's easy :)
  18. The multi is more fun having had both bikes, but its italian and lets be honest more likely to go wrong. Thats not to say it will.

    A risk worth taking.....yeah probably.
  19. I went from a GSA to A MTS1200. never regreted it for a second. The BMW`s are good bikes but a bit boring(IMO)!
    Had 3 Standard BMW`s in the past too. The ducati is 2 years old only 12500 miles and is soooooo much fun:cool: and looks better too.
    No probs so far though it is a standard suspension model. Had the original recalls for red switch and rear brake etc but will forgive it loads as it is a F*&%**G fabulous motorcycle. The type of bike I`ve been waiting for since I got my first traille style bike back in 2002 (1150 GS)
    Long distance for me is no problem on the MTS with standard screen:eek::wink: 500 miles in a day no worries with touring seat.
    As has been said in previous posts I think if you rely to much on forums you probably wouldn`t buy any bike at all.
    I was smitten by the Duke after the first test ride,I suppose that`s all you can say really get whatever floats your boat,get`s yer juices going etc.
    As for the LC GS I just don`t like the styling of it,the beak/screen area mainly.Saw it at the NEC and it`s the first bike I`ve seen that looks better in the pictures!
    How about the new KTM?:wink:
    I myself like it and will be testing it as soon as weather gets better(Please soon...)
    Only bike I`d consider changing the MTS for.
  20. had considered the KTM too if I am honest - had the 990 adventure and although I had an issue with the front wheel that put me off, the bike was amazing and had loads of character - the new one has a fugly exhaust though, but guess that goes for most bikes. Am not overwhelmed by the new GS either. Sure it is a good bike too, but not floating my boat. I like my GSA, a beemer, but still some character, but am somehow smitten with the looks of the multi and the engine is amazing - frightened me half to death! Think urban mode for a while :)

    Is a difficult one, head and heart and all that - in a real world, the beemer is more bike that monst of us even need, but somehow, I cant keep away from looking at the multi
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